10 Questions with Rick Judson


Rick Judson, a left winger who played 14 seasons of pro hockey, retired as the Toledo Storm's all-time leader in games played (455), goals scored (197), and assists (244). Judson, a Lambertville native and Bedford High School graduate, made his pro debut in 1991. He helped lead Toledo to back-to-back Riley Cup titles in 1993 and 1994 and was named most valuable player of the 1993 Riley Cup playoffs. His best season came in 1993-94 with the Storm when he scored 39 goals and added 49 assists. He later was an assistant coach with the Storm. He holds the franchise record in total points recorded with 441 which is 113 points more the next highest player.

1. What are your early hockey memories?

“That hockey is all I wanted to do whether it was playing street or pond hockey with my friends, or shooting pucks at my net in the driveway by myself. I also remember winning many tournaments with my teams here in town before I went to Detroit to play. I was also lucky to be on teams that won a couple of state titles and two national titles.”

2. Who were the hockey players you admired growing up?

“Bryan Trottier and WayneGretzky.”

3. Did you have any superstitions or routines?

“Sometimes if things were going well I might eat the same lunch or go the same way to the arena. But nothing like some others that I played with.”

4. What were the highlights of your time with the Storm?

“Obviously winning the two championships, but also being part of those teams that won a few division titles in the mid-'90's.”

5. What was your nickname?


6. If you were commissioner of hockey for a day, what would you do?

“Change the rules back to the way they were when I played. The game today I think is more open and you have more room based on the rules they put in.”

7. Who was the best player you ever saw play at the Sports Arena?

“I saw so many, but probably Scott Gomez when they had the NHL lockout.”

8. What did you like the most about the Sports Arena?

“The closeness that you felt with the fans and their passion for the game.”

9. What's your favorite city in the ECHL, other than Toledo?

“Las Vegas was always fun but I really used to like playing in Columbus when they were in the league.”

10. What is something nobody knows about you?

“I started refereeing this year.”