Spotlight Athlete: Connor DeCavitch


School: Springfield

Year: Senior

Sport: Wrestling

Notes: Ranked No. 1 in Division I at 152 pounds in the Greater Toledo Wrestling Coaches Association poll; 8-0 record; won title at Springfield's Dick Hoover Duals; last season ended with a knee injury on Dec. 28 and has had six surgeries to compete this year; would like to go to Ohio State and be a pre-med major


School subject: Calculus

Car/vehicle: Bugatti

MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter? Facebook

Video game: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Place to shop: Express

Musical artist: Lecrae

Song: "I'm a Saint," by Lecrae

TV show: Family Guy

Movie: Ace Ventura

Actor: Jason Statham

Actress: None

Magazine: None

Radio station: 97.3 FM

Food: Buffalo wings

Beverage: V8 Fusion

Fast food: Taco Bell

Can't resist snack: None

Place to visit: California

Athlete: Dan Gable

Baseball team: Tigers

NBA team: Lakers

NFL team: Broncos

It really bothers me when: people wear sunglasses indoors

Person most admire: Dan Gable

Person you'd like to meet: Jim Carrey

Pregame routine: warm up really hard and go through moves

My No.1 goal this year is go to state and place

In 10 years I hope to be ... in the medical field

Top sports moment: Pinning a wrestler from Elida

Ohio State or Michigan? Ohio State