Spotlight Athlete: Nathan Adkins

Nathan Adkins
Nathan Adkins

School: Lake

Year: Senior

Sports: Cross country, track

Notes: Cross country -- two-time regional qualifier; track -- two-time regional qualifier; SLL champion in 1600 and 3200 meters last year; plans to attend the University of Toledo and run cross country


School subject: Math

Car: Corvette

Facebook or Twitter? Facebook

Store: Second Sole

Musical artist: Kid Cudi

Song: "Lifeline," by Papa Roach

TV show: Workaholics

Movie: Without Limits

Actor: Will Ferrell

Actress: Jennifer Aniston

Magazine: Runner's World

Radio station: 97.3 FM

Food: Lasagna

Beverage: Orange Gatorade

Fast food: White Castle

Can't resist snack: Nature Valley granola bar

Place to visit: Fort Myers, Fla.

Athlete: Steve Prefontaine

Baseball team: Yankees

NFL team: Falcons

NBA team: Heat

Person I most admire: My dad, Mike

Person I'd like to meet: Andrew Wheating

It really bothers me when: There is bad weather on race day

In 10 years I hope to be: Coaching cross country in college

My No. 1 goal this year: Advance to state in cross country with my team

Top sports moment: Winning SLL track championships last year

Ohio State or Michigan? Ohio State