A preview look at the Perrysburg girls soccer game set in Columbus


The undefeated Yellow Jackets (22-0-0) will play unranked Mason (20-0-1) tonight at 7 p.m., at Columbus Crew Stadium. 

Photo gallery: Yellow Jackets state-bound

Girls Divi­sion I State Soc­cer Cham­pi­on­ship

Who: No. 1 ranked Per­rys­burg (22-0-0) vs. un­ranked Ma­son (20-1-1)

When: Fri­day, 7 p.m.

Where: Co­lum­bus Crew Sta­dium, 1 Black and Gold Blvd., Co­lum­bus

Notes: The Yel­low Jack­ets have been top ranked all sea­son. They are hop­ing to be­come the first girls team from north­west Ohio to win a state ti­tle. St. Ur­sula is the only pro­gram from north­west Ohio that has reached the state cham­pi­on­ship game (2011). Per­rys­burg is tied for the third most wins in a sea­son in state his­tory. The team's 22-game win­ning streak is fourth lon­gest in Ohio his­tory. The soc­cer team is aim­ing to cap­ture the school's first state ti­tle since 1991 when the soft­ball team won it all. The Per­rys­burg vol­ley­ball team also won a state crown in 1979.

The Yel­low Jack­ets have out­scored foes 105-5. Se­nior stand­out for­ward Maddy Wil­liams has scored in ev­ery game but one. She scored both goals in Per­rys­burg's 2-0 win over Strongs­ville in the state semi­fi­nal on Tues­day. Wil­liams, who will play at Pur­due, has 47 goals this sea­son. She also has 16 as­sists for 110 points. Wil­liams is tied for 10th all time in the state for goals scored in a sea­son. (The record is 75, scored by Find­lay's Kris­tie Coppes in 2000.)

Lucy Wal­ton and Allex Brown are tied for sec­ond in scor­ing with 12 goals apiece. Se­nior Mol­lie Whi­tacre, who will play at Ohio Univer­sity, is third with five goals.

Se­nior goalie Chloe Buehler, who will play at Penn State, has fought through a back in­jury and has been back in the lineup for the last 10 games. Buehler has not al­lowed a goal in the play­offs and has five shut­outs. She has given up just one goal in 10 games.

Ma­son also is mak­ing its first ap­pear­ance in the state tour­na­ment (20-1-1). The Comets' only loss came on Sept. 29 to Cin­cin­nati St. Ur­suline (2-0). They also tied Cin­cin­nati Oak Hills 1-1 on Oct. 2.

Ma­son has out­scored foes 74-10

The Comets de­feated No. 5 ranked and pre­vi­ously un­beaten Pick­er­ing­ton North (19-1-2) in a state semi­fi­nal. They pre­vailed 1-0 in over­time as se­nior Jami Pfe­ifer scored the game win­ner.

Pfe­ifer leads the team with 18 goals, fol­lowed by Madi­son Mel­nick (11), Alex Nie­hoff (9), and Jill Ve­tere (9).

Fresh­man goal­keeper, Toni Biz­zarro posted her 15th shut­out of the year, and the fifth of the post­sea­son, in the state semis. She has given up only three goals this sea­son.