Humidifiers Ease Health Effects of Dry Winter Air


(NewsUSA) - Seasonal changes outdoors can have big effects indoors. In many parts of the country, winter weather can lead to ultra-dry conditions throughout the home, causing numerous respiratory ailments.

Low moisture levels can cause dryness in the membranes of the nose, throat and bronchial tubes. Respiratory infections, repeated winter colds and airborne infections can also stem from inadequate humidity.

Daily activities like showering, cooking and doing laundry won't produce enough moisture to keep your home's air from being too dry. According to medical experts, many viruses thrive in low humidity and can increase the likelihood of getting colds, flu and upper respiratory ailments. The American Society of Otolaryngology reports that it is important to prevent an overly dry environment because it makes people more susceptible to infection.

There are several health benefits from using a whole-home humidifier. For example, it reduces discomfort from pressure related to sinuses, headaches or infections.

Doctors have said that humidifiers help relieve symptoms of flu, coughs and colds, as well as sooth dry eyes, throats, nose and itchy skin during the winter. Additionally, a humidifier keeps the respiratory system moist and running smoothly, which can help to prevent illnesses.