Five Quick Tips to Combat Japanese Beetles


(ARA) - It seems like everybody is having problems with Japanese beetles. If you have fruit trees, grape vines, roses, crepe myrtle, you'll see Japanese beetles every summer.

Not native to the United States, Japanese beetles are like the gypsy moth, black widow spider, oriental carp, starlings, fire ants, dandelions plus a whole host of imported, unwanted things that are thriving in the United States.

Like tiny little helicopters, Japanese beetles, by all laws of aerodynamics, shouldn't fly at all. That means, if you have them in your yard, chances are they came right out of your own lawn! That's right -- Japanese beetles hibernate as grubs nine months out of the year before pupating into flying adults.

As grubs, the beetles attack grass roots, eat the tiny root hairs off of trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetable garden plants. For every 1,000 flying adult Japanese beetles, there will be fifty thousand grubs in the soil.

Here are five important tips for controlling Japanese beetles:

1. Recognize that Japanese beetles hibernate as grubs and treat your lawn with grub control. Consider using USDA-developed Milky Spore because it's guaranteed for ten years and doesn't harm kids or pets.

2. If you have Japanese beetle traps, give them to your neighbors and let your beetles travel into their yard. Traps work too well because they deploy an aromatic scent and beetle sex hormone that will bring in more Japanese beetles than you had last year.

3. Pick off adult Japanese beetles from your plants and throw them into a pail of soapy water. The beetles can't bite you and quickly drown in the water. For beetles in hard to reach areas, use an insect spray.

4. Get a Japanese beetle Milky Spore campaign started in your neighborhood that includes the participation of a number of residents. Such action is the most effective method for area-wide control. Courtesy of ARAcontent