Cleaning Heating and Cooling Ducts


These days, many homeowners are concerned with indoor air quality. You've probably heard that due to new efficient windows and doors, fresh air from outside is less likely to seep into the home. It also means that dirty indoor air has fewer places to "escape" as well.

Many grapple with the idea of having their ducts cleaned. After all, dust and mold spores may congregate inside of duct work from years of use. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, no evidence suggests that such cleaning would be detrimental, provided that it is done properly.

You should have your air ducts cleaned if:

* You are experiencing unexplained allergies or respiratory problems.

* There is visual evidence of mold (as determined by a professional) in the system.

* Insulated air ducts have become wet or moldy.

* You find evidence of vermin (rat, mouse) droppings in the system.

Only use a qualified, professional cleaner to maintain your ducts. Otherwise, you may cause further problems.