Mirror, Mirror


When redesigning a living space, several problems can arise. How do we make the room look larger? How do we increase the lighting? How do we decorate the room? One potential answer to all of these questions is mirrors.

Mirrors allow decorators to play with their environment. A well-placed mirror, for example, can appear to double the size of a room, while a cunning series of mirrors can create even more artificial space than that.

When placing mirrors, though, be careful not to overdo it. You don't want your guests to feel lost in a funhouse. While a couple of full-body mirrors are sufficient, you may opt for a large picture mirror or a series of three or four smaller, identical mirrors hung in a row or in similar places on each wall across from each other. Designers differ in opinion as to whether the mirrors should be hung at the same height or varying heights, so try both before mounting them to the wall to see which appeals to you the most.

Aside from opening up a room, mirrors can also help low-light situations. On a nice summer day, a couple of mirrors can illuminate an entire room with sufficient light from neighboring windows. This is because mirrors naturally reflect light in order to make reflections. In doing so, they reflect that light back into the room over and over. This is the same effect that many small children delight in when they realize their watches can create balls of light that dance around the room as they move their wrists. That reflected light is being spread around the room rather than absorbed by furnishings. You may find that you need less lighting fixtures in a room that is decorated with a few mirrors.

Mirrors also serve great decorative purposes. The classic silver look of a mirror allows for a beautiful addition to any room's d cor. Mirrors can be adapted to fit any design scheme with the proper measures. Frames can be painted or purchased that will help adapt the mirror more fully to your design. Want to take it a step further? Paint some designs with stencils around the edge of a mirror to match the wallpaper or border in your room. You can even place dividers across a mirror to make it appear to be several smaller mirrors. This will help the mirror more fully blend into the d cor and become a marvelous addition to your room.

Finally, mirrors are functional. They serve a number of purposes from grooming to security. With a mirrored room, you can see around corners, you can anticipate visitors and you can check your hair all in one quick glance. For all of these reasons, you should look into mirrors to allow your rooms to reflect who you really are.