Storage Tips for Organizing and Clearing Your Home's Clutter


(NewsUSA) - Regardless of how big or small a home may be, many of us are faced with too much clutter and too little storage space. A lack of organization can make even the largest space seem small.

With some innovation and a little effort, you can save or even create storage space in any home. Keep these tips in mind the next time that you're getting organized and in need of all the storage space you can get:

* Don't get boxed in. Too often, people use space-eating boxes to store their linens, clothing or holiday decorations. For a less bulky storage option, use large, sealable plastic bags. Their flexibility makes them easy to fit into tight spaces where rigid boxes may not fit, such as under the bed or inside smaller cabinets. And because the bags are clear, you can see the contents inside, making it much easier to find a specific item that is stored away.

* Find new uses for common things. Think outside an item's intended purpose. Egg cartons, for instance, can make excellent drawer organizers. Shoe organizers that hang over doors can be placed in bathrooms and used to store shampoo, soap or other bathroom products. This will clear up valuable cabinet space.

* Buy multipurpose furniture. For instance, instead of a regular ottoman, buy one that has a hollow interior for storing magazines or other items.

You could also buy a storage trunk, drape a cloth over it and use it as a coffee table. Whatever the case, if you have to buy new pieces of furniture, make sure that they double as storage units.

* Decorate with storage in mind. Many homes feature flat surface space on top of kitchen cabinets, and you can fill this space with items that double as both decorations and storage containers.

For example, baskets can add a charming touch to your kitchen, while providing a place to store extra dishes. Decorative pots can hold kitchen gadgets.

* Stop toying around with messiness. In a house with children, scattered toys are often the most prevailing items of clutter.

Consider moving your children's toys into rotation, bringing out a few toys at a time and storing the rest away.