Study Reveals A Cleaner, Healthier Home Leads To A Happier Mom


(ARA) - According to the Scrubbing Bubbles Dirty Work Index, a comprehensive national study; more than half of women (55 percent) clean to control germs and keep the home healthy. In addition, it was discovered that women today clean for their own emotional well-being and benefit.

The Dirty Work Index found that women report feeling accomplished (91 percent), relieved (87 percent) and proud (81 percent) after cleaning their homes, giving them a sense of calm and happiness.   

"I connect with thousands of women each day and constantly hear that having a clean home gives them confidence and peace of mind. Knowing their homes are healthy and clean eases the stress of preparing for last minute guests," says Colleen Padilla, founder of "As a busy mom of two, I want to help women find solutions to get the job done quickly and easily."   

Padilla has partnered with Scrubbing Bubbles to help women form habits that can keep their homes healthy and happy this year. She offers five tips to help keep the home clean and clutter-free.

Fifteen minutes a day or less.

Make cleaning a quick and efficient part of your daily routine. Rather than letting clutter build up, clean five minutes each day so it is never a huge to-do. Bathroom wipes are a must to keep the germs at bay in a five-minute sweep of the bathroom. Lastly, spend five minutes putting away toys and other knick-knacks. Waking up to a clean home helps start the day on the right foot.

Out with old, in with the new.

Now that the holidays are over, get rid of old toys, clothes and books that have accumulated over the past year. When faced by a sea of toys and clutter, it's sometimes hard to ever feel organized. Donate the outgrown items, and you'll be surprised how much space has cleared up, in your home and your head. Check with your local school or Salvation Army for locations and drop-off times.

Pick products that work for you.

Why scrub away when you don't need to? According to the Dirty Work Index, one third of women clean their bathrooms daily. An automatic shower cleaner does the cleaning for you and eliminates odors with just the touch of a button, ensuring that your shower stays clean on your days off.

Two for one.

If you can't get to the gym, there are plenty of ways to burn calories and get your heart rate up. For example, cleaning your home for one hour can burn roughly 200 calories or more, depending on your height, weight and level of exertion. Cleaning never sounded so good.

Be spontaneous.

Goals and resolutions are important to help stay on track and form healthy habits. However, nothing beats a last minute trip to the skating rink with the family or catching a movie with your best friend. Kicking back and letting loose is important for keeping stress low and spirits high.