Gore has made environment his passion


Every day there's more dire environmental news: deadly diseases tracking global climate change, increasing pressure on natural resources, especially fresh water, coral reef die-offs, depleted fisheries, loss of global biodiversity, ballooning human population, natural disasters, and famine.

It seems mankind is at a threshold of a time in history when our immediate actions could determine the ability of this planet to support human life.

At this critical period, should the United States consider a presidential candidate whose own state is a disgraceful and acknowledged wasteland, a candidate who, with a wink and a nudge, handed the reins of environmental enforcement over to the polluters themselves?

Instead, should we consider a candidate who has made the environment his lifelong passion? Who has researched, studied, and written extensively about mankind and our relationship with this planet?

One candidate, Al Gore, has had the courage and foresight to take the difficult positions, to be labeled an “extremist,” only to be vindicated by recent and troubling scientific research. The worries of this planet affect us all and will be the headlines of the next decade and beyond. We need a president with wisdom, vision, and hope to provide leadership to our nation and the world on issues of the global environment.


Kenwood Boulevard

Your Oct. 13 article said that Vice President Al Gore made a secret deal with Russia in June of 1995 to allow them to sell Iran a submarine, torpedoes, anti-ship mines, hundreds of tanks, and armored personnel carriers. They agreed that this would go on until December of 1999, but it is still going on. This is a violation of the law sponsored by Senator Gore and Sen. John McCain that requires sanctions against countries the State Department classifies as sponsors of terrorism. Iran is on this list. Do we want this kind of person for our president?


Ida Drive

I tend to agree with your “Gore for President” editorial. Nothing is perfect. If either party wins by one vote, the extreme elements of that party will claim a mandate to change the lives of every American in concordance with their narrow views.

With a Bush-Republican win, we can expect the re-emergence of conservatives Trent Lott and Dick Armey leading a now unmitigated Congress trying to foist ultra-conservative legislation on the majority of our citizens.

This prospect frightens me even more than Al Gore's misguided populist ramblings. I go with moderate government, and against the parochial and divisive agendas pushed by peripheral wings of either party. If the Republicans control Congress, we need a Democratic president.



None of the candidates in this year's election seems capable of logical thinking. In the first place, there is no surplus as long as there is a huge debt. The debt must be paid off. The taxes they propose to cut are the wrong taxes. We should eliminate the many nonsense taxes such as the telephone tax, fuel taxes, luxury taxes, and many business taxes. Cutting these taxes would help everybody, not just a few.

Neither Al Gore nor George W. Bush addresses the trade deficit. They both want to send American jobs out of the country with free trade.

I just received a booklet on Medicare containing 72 pages. The next issue will probably contain 172 pages if these politicians have their way. We do not need more complicated paperwork. We need people in national, state, and local government who can do some logical thinking.


Hannaford Drive

The cartoon and editorial on Dr. Laura Schlessinger were surely low blows which you should apologize for.

Dr. Laura's belief that homosexuals were a “biological error” was held several years ago when she agreed with them that they had no choice in their sexual conduct.

They and the media are now angry because she now sees that they do have a choice between good and evil, just like everyone else.

She isn't speaking out of hate. She is speaking out of love and concern for their eternal souls and she is willing to lay her life on the line to get that message to them!

It's a shame that everyone is free to express his values or lack of values except anyone who dares to uphold the values of the Bible.

Everyone who appreciates the moral efforts of Dr. Laura should encourage her so she doesn't end up like Anita Bryant did.


Glenwood Avenue

While we all recognize that tobacco products may be harmful, there are still many thousands of residents and visitors who nonetheless use various tobacco products.

We are already prohibited from smoking in all government offices, public buildings, medical facilities, public transportation, grocery stores, banks, and most other private facilities.

Workers suffer an additional health hazard being forced to go “outside for a smoke” during the winter.

Most private businesses that can still allow smoking provide a nonsmoking section. A total ban on smoking would ultimately diminish the local food, beverage, and entertainment industry, and would represent further governmental overkill.

Private businesses should be left to decide their own smoking policies.


Adams Street