Without taxes, society would be poorer


Here is a message for all tax haters: The world and the U. S. economy would not and could not function without a tax system. In this country the number one employer is the health care system, the number two is education, and number three is government, all directly or indirectly supported by taxes.

The new information-age economy based on computer-driven machines will not employ many people, but it will produce beyond our wildest dreams. We have a dilemma. Mass production needs mass consumption or it will collapse. The new economy does not create mass employment. Therefore it is necessary for new service jobs to be created and paid by the tax system.

None of us deserves what this new society can give to us; it is a product of our scientific culture. We are just lucky to have been born to such a time and place in history.

If the economy is to continue to grow it is better to increase taxes. A cut in taxes is a cut in the buying power of the great majority of our citizens. This would surely lead to a situation in which the whole society is poorer.



To anyone who is concerned about the mailings sent out to residents in the Washington Local School district urging voters to vote yes today, any literature, flyers, or ads asking for voter support for Issue 25 by the Citizens School Advisory Committee (CSAC) were not funded by taxpayer money or district funds.

The CSAC has worked extremely hard to educate the community about the 5.2-mill levy and promote the pride that our 7,000 students have for WLS.

As a board member, a parent, and a homeowner, I urge the voters to make a commitment to public education excellence. Today's students are tomorrow's leaders.


Northwyck Drive

As an interested voter, I watched all three debates between Governor Bush and Vice President Gore. I will admit they did well within the parameters of these debates. However, a question I would ask all voters to consider is how well they would do in a situation such as has developed in the Middle East in recent weeks.

I would like a president who can think on his feet. When these problems develop in foreign lands, there is no time to practice what you are going to do. You must know what needs to be done and have the tact and diplomacy to do it well.


Ottawa Lake, Mich.

Many say that they are unable to express much enthusiasm for either candidate running for president. They base this on the candidates' appearance and acting ability during the televised debates, glitzy paid political ads, catchy sound bites, and the individuals' personalities.

What about the issues, abilities, and preparedness for the White House?

Blade Columnist Molly Ivins, five-time Pulitzer prize finalist says, “There are three ways to judge a politician. The first is to look at the record. The second is to look at the record. And third, look at the record.”

We need a qualified and professional person to be elected. Experience comes before attractiveness and charisma.

These traits do not always make for a better president.



A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush? What a brilliant burp of nonsense!

Does one really expect this half-baked argument to change my mind? That some would utter this juvenile logic proves them as fouled up as the system they support. Worse yet: They are willing accomplices to the beast.

It is the dissenting vote that institutes change.

Let's bury this two-headed corporate party, and restore true discourse to the people's government.

Vote third party. Otherwise, waste your vote by throwing it into the mire of status quo where it will never be heard.


Letchworth Parkway

Once again, Molly Ivins is misleading the public. Ms. Ivins seems to have a problem with George W. Bush's policies, but she better take another look at Al Gore. Mr. Gore has the support of labor unions, but endorsed NAFTA.

Yes, Toledo, Bill Clinton and Al Gore sent your jobs to Mexico. He supports the protection of animals and the environment, but does not support a ban on partial-birth abortion, the protection of human life.

Mr. Gore supports cleaning up Hollywood, but then takes thousands from Hollywood execs and producers to fund his campaign. The difference here is that Al Gore doesn't even “seem like a nice guy,” as she referred to Mr. Bush, because he isn't.


Lockwood Avenue