Jesse Jackson speaks for every American


With the Clinton administration almost gone, and the narrow disputed Florida election fading into memory, the Limbaugh wing of the Republican Party is now searching for somewhere else to direct its hate. For the moment Jesse Jackson is the target.

His sin? He is the spokesperson for all the Florida voters whose votes were not counted. He speaks out against the use of archaic, error-ridden voting machines used in black districts that functionally eliminated their true representation. He speaks out against turning away registered black voters on election night.

He speaks out against the 450-plus well-documented cases of voter rights violations that occurred in Florida. And he speaks out against George W. Bush for doing everything possible to not count the votes, thereby ensuring that he would win the election. Everyone, including Mr. Bush, knows that Al Gore would have won the election if the votes had been counted.

So Jesse is speaking out. Unlike me and millions of others, Jesse has a public voice that does get heard. Jesse speaks for every American who believes in fairness and justice, and is angry that the primary foundation of our democracy, the right to vote, was subverted by partisan politics.

Jesse Jackson is on the short list of great human beings who dares to stand up and speak out for the unempowered in the face of a powerful establishment. Without people like Mr. Jackson, there would be no Christianity, we would all be British subjects, slavery would still exist, blacks and women would not have the right to vote, and discrimination of all kinds would still be institutionalized.

Thank God for Jesse and his ilk.


Evansdale Avenue

The editorial cartoon on George W. Bush's New Year's resolution reflects the sentiments of myself and other residents of our community.

As a parent and grandparent, I have always extolled the power of the vote and praised the virtues of the highest court in the land. Therefore, I was appalled by what happened in Florida. We African-Americans will always remember the riots and the innocent blood that was shed to make the right to vote lawful for everyone.

When George W. takes the oath on Saturday, I wonder if there will be any thoughts regarding the questionable events that led to his presidency. Frankly, I don't think so. Indeed, it is a travesty. But more important, it is a sad commentary for this country.


Smead Avenue

I remember the federal government bailing out New York City and pouring millions into other areas of the impoverished Northeast. Now it is California and its need for more power and water. As it was then, it continues to be just a reflection of government mismanagement (liberal, of course) in response to purely political causes with no emphasis on personal responsibility.

Yes, these are the same people who desire to do away with the Electoral College. Our Founding Fathers were very wise men.


Glen Arbor