At last, some adults in the White House


What a way to say good-bye! After calling for an apology from Republicans the week before, Bill Clinton strikes a deal with an independent prosecutor and admits his lying and conniving. Following through on an apparent deal to get votes for Hillary Clinton, he issues pardons to a foursome of recently convicted scam artists.

He pardons a big money contributor who was in such deep trouble he couldn't even enter the United States. He oversees the trashing of the White House as his minions vandalize their path to the door. A confirmed narcissist, Mr. Clinton just couldn't leave the stage with dignity. Even his last trip “home” to New York was evidentiary - press conferences and the sacking of the plane provided to him with removal of everything right down to the presidential toothpaste! His disrespect for the office and for this country's citizens were obvious to the end.

The good luck he enjoyed with the economy for most of his reign is manna to his selfish supporters, who cry, “It's the economy, stupid.” Anybody who would hide his head in the sand and ignore Mr. Clinton's lack of grace, honor, and character, the things that are really important, have some other ax to grind besides reality.

Good economies come and go, but good character is the solid base on which important accomplishments are built. I'm glad we finally have some adults in the White House who realize that.



With Toledo now pushing for more gun control, the people will be weaker and criminals stronger. Toledo's new slogan should be “criminal haven,” as the people will not be able to defend themselves. Now you want to register people's guns? We know what happens next: confiscation.

We have the right to bear arms just as the Second Amendment says, just as we have the right to eliminate a corrupt, abusive, unconstitutional, and oppressive government.

Toledo has gone too far with these restrictions and laws. I hope all responsible gun-owners will stand and be heard. Vote these tyrants out.



When I first learned of the proposed zoning change requests, my attention was focused purely on protest. I had no idea that I would create a groundswell of support. But that focus has now centered on the residents of Shamrock Trailer Court instead of Greenwood Park, where the attention clearly belongs. With the media attention that has been received, all the people should be aware of the implications.

City Council should have decided this matter at this point. Everyone present at the committee-of-the-whole meeting was allowed to speak. At no time has anyone ever contested the right of Shamrock's owner to sell the property or develop it as he sees fit.

Benchmark Development offers this city nothing. The proposed economic benefit package submitted to City Council is clearly an attempt to mislead the council. Whatever stores may be built will not create new sales in Toledo, but diminish sales at other established businesses.

Greenwood Park is specifically at risk. It is the only park in the system to maintain its natural beauty and habitat. It is home to threatened species of plants and counts many critters that call it home. And it offers amenities that few other parks offer. Portions of Greenwood park sit in a natural flood plain area. Other parts are natural wetlands.

With the mayor's support, The Blade's, and countless citizens, we can send Benchmark back to Amherst, N.Y.


Darrel Road

It is time for the restaurant customers of Toledo to be a little less selfish. As a full-time student and part-time waiter, the stinginess of customers affects me directly. Just to let everyone who may not have known already, it is proper to tip 15 percent on top of your bill for average service. This means 15 percent before all of your coupons and discounts. Why should your server get less money because you had a coupon?

If you are too cheap to do this, then please just go to McDonald's because we (servers) don't want to wait on you. As a side note to the Golden Buckeye cardholders, $2 is no longer a lot of money, and it is especially not a sufficient tip on a $30 tab.

We work hard to serve people, no matter how much of a nuisance they are. It is about time we are rewarded for it.



I am a production worker at Toledo Jeep Assembly. We currently make the Cherokee and Wrangler models. We are going into a new plant to make the new Jeep Liberty. I have been a Jeep employee for 17 years. We have always done an outstanding job and have been quality oriented. The employees of DaimlerChrysler are also its best customers. I have purchased five new vehicles since 1987, all Chrysler products. I support the American-made and produced automobile industry.

The announcement of the end of Cherokee production was not a shock to me or my fellow workers. We have been making this American icon since 1983, with pride, concern, quality, and tender, loving care.

What I cannot understand is the short-sighted mentality of the current leadership. The U.S. auto industry has been under relentless siege from the foreign automakers in an all-out battle for market share.

Bottom line is this: You do not just throw away a vehicle that sells 140,000 to 180,000 units per year. This vehicle does not compete with the new Jeep Liberty. It is an older, boxy, yet durable design. But it sells because a lot of people, myself included, happen to like a boxy-looking design.

Now is not the time to simply throw away critical market share. Toyota has seven SUVs. They are going all-out for market share. I don't see how throwing away an American legend will help us in this battle. This vehicle is still profitable as well. I say hold on and fight. Don't lie down and get trampled.



Could Marilou Johanek get any more bitter? The whole presidential election went south for her, and now Art Modell's team won the Super Bowl. I'm sure her wailing will reach a crescendo when the Indians stumble out of contention later this year.

However, I will not revel in Ms. Johanek's misfortune. In the spirit of compassionate conservatism, I will send her one of my old Terrible Towels. As a Browns fan, she'll need it for the many tears she'll shed this year.


Eastbrook Drive

Previously when social change was desired, the usual liberal lie was “for the children” (Can you say abortion?). The proposed smoking ban makes no such pretense. The ban is to include drinking establishments. What will be next on the agenda, fast food? The government has decided to protect the people of California from power plants. Now California has become the first Third World country in the United States. The government almost never knows best.

