Prohibition on smoking is long overdue


Russ Lemmon's heart and lungs seem to be mostly in the right place.

Thankfully, under state law, a local board of health has the authority and the duty to regulate numerous hazards to the public. Since 1993 other people's tobacco smoke has been recognized as capable of causing cancer in those who work or live around them. Unfortunately, repeated scientific studies have showed that ventilation cannot eliminate the health risk. What's left is to prohibit exposure to the many harmful chemicals now proven to be in that smoke.

Action could have been taken after the landmark 1986 surgeon general's report on the dangers of secondhand smoke, or after the 1997 meeting of the American Chemical Society where researchers reported that NNK, the only known lung cancer-causing substance found solely in tobacco smoke, was found in the urine of nonsmokers in the same enclosed space.

Whether you consider secondhand smoke as the toxic exposure that it certainly is, or choose to use a communicable disease model, action by those charged with protecting the health of all the people is long overdue.

Who could be against such a reasonable, humane action and why?


Tobacco-Free Ohio

Southwyck Boulevard

It's amazing how history continues to repeat itself and we still do not recognize the signs. The story of the Jews in the Old Testament is an example. When they rebelled and did as they pleased, with no regard or respect for their faith, they were taken into captivity and treated as non-persons.

Rome is another example that comes to mind. As long as it remained prepared, no enemy could succeed. As soon as Rome let its guard down and began to party ceaselessly, it was conquered and looted.

Then there was our own Civil War. It was during a time when blacks were treated as non-persons. Our country was fortunate not to fall into enemy hands, but we did suffer much devastation and destruction. History, of course, has shown the folly of slavery and the injustice in thinking people could be treated as non-persons without some ramifications.

Today I believe we have a similar situation. The unborn in the womb are treated like non-persons. I wonder what our fate will be if we refuse to acknowledge their value and dignity and continue to allow their destruction.

Only history will tell, unless we change.



The article by Mike Jones titled, “Cars are going to 50 welfare recipients,” couldn't have made me more sick. I am a 19-year-old college student, no kids, and I have driven my own car since I was 16. I don't know how someone who is 22 cannot afford a car. I feel sorry for people who cannot get something that simple. I do not feel sorry for those on welfare.

Let me give one example on how good the welfare system is. I am a college student, struggling to make something of myself. I buy my own car, my own insurance, my own clothes, and my own food. Not the public.

Now let's look at the example in the article. She is 22 years old, has no car, two children, and she is on welfare. So not only do I pay my things, I bought her a car, too. And it's probably better than mine. What a system. She is a young lady who delivers two kids and gets a car and a check every month as a prize. I am a young college student who has led a clean and moral life. So where is my car? Where is my prize?


285th Street

These pages ran an article from a law practitioner regarding golfer Casey Martin.

Mr. Martin has a medical condition that makes walking distances difficult.

The law practitioner expressed his opinion that the game of golf should be played by only the most fit. How about the young, or the seniors, or the blind, or the overweight? I think he forgets that golf, like football, baseball, and basketball, are just that, games. I'm not going to get into the money that these guys make, but we all know that the amount they make is obscene.

The thing that these high-dollar, high-educated people forget is compassion.

The lawyer also stated that golfers with the greatest stamina over miles of rough terrain are the ones that deserve to be in this elite category.

Let these great golfers show us what they really have. Let's see them get rid of their caddies and carry their own bags for 18 holes.



A Jan. 28 article said that sewage bypassed the treatment plant 28 times last year because of heavy rains.

Is the main cause of this pollution the old combination of sanitary/storm sewers? Would lowering the water pressure help?

Television/radio could alert citizens who in turn could reduce their water usage.

Do something to prevent this pollution besides “hand wringing!”


Romaker Road

As a final parting “thumb-your-nose” gesture, draft dodger Bill Clinton has awarded a medal to a fellow draft dodger. Muhammad Ali claimed to be a fighter, but doesn't know what a fight is, just like Joe Louis, who refused to serve his country.

None of them has any concept of the nights and days of facing death or worse that those in the ranks of veterans struggled through, serving our flag and country, most with little if any recognition, but believing we were there because it was the honorable thing to do.

Lucky me, I have lived to see the day when this mockery of a man no longer has control of our armed services!!


Port Clinton

A newspaper report mentioned that the city of Taylor, Mich., is building a new state-of-the-art sports complex. It is to include two ice surfaces and an indoor soccer field. This facility is to serve the children and adult citizens of that community. The Detroit Metropolitan area has more than 100 ice surfaces for kids to play hockey, figure skate, and play broom ball. Many of the cities that support these arenas like Taylor are less than one-tenth the size of Toledo.

The Toledo Metropolitan area has two ice surfaces in Sylvania, and part-time surfaces at the Sports Arena and Ottawa Park. In ever-increasing numbers, Toledo-area parents are driving their kids to facilities in the Detroit area, Monroe, Ann Arbor, and Findlay.

The Tam-O-Shanter ice arena in Sylvania starts operation at 4 a.m. on weekdays and ends at 2 a.m. It is a well-run and profitable operation. High school teams buy up the early morning weekday ice and the Sylvania Metro Amateur Hockey League buys most of the weekend and early evening ice. If more ice time were available they could sell it.

The market is there for a double ice surface arena that could support itself and be a wonderful benefit to the community. I don't want to be negative about any community projects. How many Toledo-area residents are going to play ball in the new stadium? Thousands of kids would have the opportunity to play in a city of Toledo or Lucas County sports complex.


West Sylvania Avenue