Justices took a stand for Ohio's workers


In a recent editorial, you criticized four justices of the Ohio Supreme Court for finding unconstitutional a statute that allowed the state to recover workers' compensation payments made to workers from personal injury settlements these workers had with third parties responsible for the injuries.

The Blade described the decision as “condoning double payments to workers injured on the job.” In reality, the law allowed the state to recover from such settlements its estimated future workers' compensation payments whether or not they were ever made. For instance, a widow who is paid benefits due to her husband being killed on the job is entitled to survivor benefits as long as she does not remarry.

The law that was struck down by the 4-3 majority allowed the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation to recover in full these estimated payments from a settlement with a third party even if the woman remarried and her benefits were completely cut off by the state.

To make matters worse, there was no provision for the state to then repay the money that it had already collected out of the settlement. On this basis alone the statute obviously permitted an unconstitutional taking.

This city should be proud that two of the justices in the majority are from Toledo (Justices Andy Douglas and Alice Robie Resnick). They were part of the majority that stood up for the rights of Ohio's working men and women. This was not a pro-worker or anti-business decision, but it was simply one that was fair and just.



Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers


First let me say that the mayor has a right to his opinion. His reappointment of two port commissioners and not Jerry Chabler would be a victory for those who cannot feel safe with honest oversight. Mr. Chabler's comments so far have had telling results. It cannot be easy to be the sole public advocate (without pay) to take the necessary position his conscience and duty dictate. I applaud him for his courage and insight.

I urge the mayor to promptly announce Mr. Chabler's reappointment to show he approves of bold action when required. The mayor has set this example often.


Southbridge Road


The city of Toledo is amazingly unaware of the talent that is about to descend on it this weekend. I am, of course, speaking of the Insane Clown Posse's Gathering of Juggalos.

While their music and antics may not appeal to everyone, they are bringing with them a man who revolutionized music in the early 1990s. Rob Van Winkle, or Vanilla Ice, was at the helm of the pop cruise ship in the days of baggy pants and overtly-stylized crewcuts. And yet there is only brief mention of him in any local media.

If Tony Bennett or Gordon Lightfoot came to town, you would have every news station and newspaper from here to Woodville cutting into prime time programming to tell the public what the crooners had for dinner.

Why does Ice get no respect?


Princeton Drive


Your recent editorial “Stopping the sprawl” is an excellent commentary on serious issues facing this part of Ohio - urban sprawl and annexation reform. On July 7 a reader from Perrysburg wrote to disagree. He believes that annexation actually serves to control sprawl.

Annexation is most definitely one of the causes of sprawl. Cities and villages try to annex property for the sake of development.

Why do we continue to fight with each other over shopping malls? What is occupied space today becomes abandoned space 10 years from now. What was once fertile productive farmland is now blacktop pavement with little landscaped islands peppered about. What is our national history is soon to be another mall in suburbia having a negative impact on the core of our region.

How does allowing the cities of Sylvania and Perrysburg to annex developing land from the townships of Sylvania and Perrysburg serve to control sprawl?

How does allowing the village of Holland to annex the Hoen Orchard from Springfield Township, in order to build another strip mall on an already congested and dangerous Airport Highway, serve to control sprawl?

According to land-use expert Myron Orfield, we are developing land at a rate 41/2 times faster than our population growth. For me, this qualifies as a problem, and it deserves serious public attention.

The most useful part of the recent annexation reform legislation out of sprawling Columbus appears to be the increased discretion in decision-making given to our locally elected representatives - county commissioners.

We have a limited supply of natural resources in this region. And each community has a limited tax base to consider. We need to work toward agreement on the most effective way to achieve sustainable growth as a region.


Springfield Township Trustee



Those who blame the high price of energy on market demands probably contributed to the problem by voting for the Bush administration. Anyone who believes that the energy industry does not participate in price fixing hasn't bought gasoline for the weekends and holidays. Supply and demand, or calculated profiteering?

Some would have us believe that the oil companies are unaware of these impending dates on the calendar, caught unaware by the predictable demands of all those fixed dates. This smacks more of mismanagement or gouging than the laws of supply and demand.

High energy prices are the result of an industry monopoly that has little interest in solving the problem by using alternative fuels such as ethanol. This renewable fuel can be produced locally from corn. It is currently being promoted by Marcy Kaptur in Washington, and can bring economic benefit to this region if she is successful.

Her battle is against this country's energy dictator, Dick Cheney.




Now I think I've heard it all. There are places where people are actually putting stop signs at rail crossings that don't have lights or bars or bells! In one area, the train company is even paying for the signs.

Can you imagine what that would be like around here? When I'm taking my favorite back-road shortcut, I'd have to stop at rail crossings like I'm supposed to at really dangerous intersections.

Why, at the very least I'd have to look around to see if there's a cop waiting to give me a ticket. And when there are trees or buildings around, I'd have to slow way down every time, just in case. My, my.


Shellbrook Lane


A July 3 article asked, “Why celebrate the 4th?” I recall times I would stand with my hand on my heart when hearing the national anthem, and my own children and their friends would look at me like I was some kind of a fool.

Is it because the younger generation didn't live through a war, or is it that parents and schools don't feel it's important to be proud of a country like ours? Well, the next ball game or event that I attend where the national anthem is being played you will see me standing with hand on my heart. I pray I'm not standing alone.




After rejecting several illegal options to rid my city of the red-light cameras, I came up with the perfect solution. I can attach a tiny American flag to my car and ignore the traffic lights. Later, in traffic court, I'll tell the judge I was part of a funeral procession.

Democracy has died.


Sylvania Avenue