The `Keep Jeep' initiative was a bargain


Who asked Ralph Nader to get involved in protecting Toledo from DaimlerChrysler and other corporations that he thinks are taking advantage of us poor ignorant citizens and local politicians? If the Jeep plant had not been built in Toledo, the UAW would not be building any cars in Toledo right now and maybe never again.

I personally think that Mayor Finkbeiner's initiative to keep Jeep in Toledo was a bargain, not only for the jobs kept in Toledo, but also for the tremendous periphery business that has been created because of that plant. I think it is safe to imagine that cars will be built in that plant for the next 50 years.

Look at the financial benefits of the Jeep plant, Wal-Mart, Fifth Third Field, the convention center, and any other major development. It seems that citizens consistently battle these and other proposed projects, as though the status quo in Toledo is satisfactory. The people in Toledo should hear from financial experts about the trickle-down effect of millions of dollars of construction, wages, and taxes to the local economy.

It is time that Toledo citizens are educated about why economic development is important and must remain continuous for a community to be dynamic, to grow, and to provide jobs for our brightest young people. It bothers me that my own children looked for employment elsewhere.

The free enterprise system is the reason that our country has the highest level of lifestyle in the world. We must challenge those who expound socialistic viewpoints with sound rebuttal. Mr. Nader's perception that ordinary citizens and local governments are not prepared to make decisions about their own communities only shows how much he is trying to push his own agenda and importance.


Heatherdowns Boulevard


Why is it OK to pass pork projects for politicians' districts, then complain because warlords in Afghanistan go home with the spoils?

Why do congressmen fail to pass bills to put the country back to work, then go home to enjoy the holidays and tell constituents how they have worked for them?

Why did Congress get blamed for Bill Clinton's failure to sign a bill, while President Bush is blamed by Sen. Tom Daschle and not given the same opportunity?

When was the last time an unemployed person created a job?

Would The Blade still give Carty credit for what he has accomplished if he were able to run again?




Let me see if I have this right. A federally funded (that means my tax dollars) health center has been sued by ABLE to accommodate people who don't speak English. Are these American citizens who can't read or speak English? Or are we accommodating people who are not legally in this country? Either way, something is very wrong here. This is supposed to be a melting pot of cultures. If people are not willing to learn the language of the country, then they should not be entitled to its services.

