Get the facts on going nuclear


Yet another letter gave five “arguments” against nuclear energy. No short letter can answer adequately.

We'll keep being hostages to oily dictators until we declare energy independence. Yes, non-scientists in a democracy should help make public scientific policy, but only after overcoming dangerous ignorance.

As a physical chemist with past non-military isotope research at Los Alamos, I questioned peaceful nuclear energy until I read, with an open mind, Petr (sic) Beckmann's highly entertaining The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear, Golem Press, 1976. Every relevant public commentator needs to read this or Walter Scheider's Nuclear Energy (using algebra), Cavendish Press (Ann Arbor), 2001; Bernard L. Cohen's Before It's Too Late, Plenum Press, 1983, with a foreword by Nobel laureate Rosalyn S. Yallow; and/or Fred Hoyle and Geoffrey Hoyle's Commonsense in Nuclear Energy, Freeman, 1980.

I'll gladly demonstrate radioactivity with one-pound samples of uranium and other compounds that I carry around safely in my pants pockets.


Bluffton, Ohio

On behalf of the Toledo Bar Association I commend you for your thorough and thoughtful coverage of our medical malpractice seminar.

The seminar brought together representatives of the medical, legal, insurance, and governmental entities to discuss perspectives of the medical liability insurance and tort reform issues.

The value of such a seminar is that several differing points of view can be shared during a spirited discussion with the common goals of preserving and improving the equality of care in Lucas County.

The Toledo Bar Association, in collaboration with the Academy of Medicine of Toledo and Lucas County, is pleased to be able to provide a forum for the open exchange of information and opportunity for discussion among all parties.

Our attorneys, as everyone else in attendance at the seminar, hope to become part of the solution.



Toledo Bar Association

I note with interest that the quarterly results for locally owned Manor Care were positive with a profit being reported instead of a loss. Other reports lead one to believe that the previous quarters have shown positive results also.

Might the shareholders expect a return of some sort, hopefully a dividend, or will the black ink on the bottom of the balance sheet be distributed to the executives in the form of bonuses, stock options, and other perks again?

It would be nice if the employees could see some of this profit wind up in their 401(k) accounts.


San Paulo Drive

I am shocked and saddened when citizens are killed by drivers who run red lights in Northwest Ohio. These arrogant drivers should be treated as criminals and given a very heavy fine and jail time.

Something drastic needs to be implemented to stop this killer behavior.


Sandlewood Court