A new era for education in Toledo?


I was very happy to see the Toledo Public Schools levy pass. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a new era in education in Toledo. A word of caution: Anyone who thinks that bricks and mortar will solve our children's problems in school has been reading too many Harry Potter novels. Bricks and mortar will help create an atmosphere for learning but will not automatically improve scores on standardized tests.

In order for learning to take place a student must demonstrate a willingness to learn, the teacher must be able to guide and inspire the student, and the parents must support both their child and the teacher without bias. Administrators must spend every penny of state and local taxpayer money wisely.

Atmosphere is a very important component in the learning process. We all perform better in bright, cheerful, modern, and hopeful environments. New computers, new buildings, and new facilities are only one step toward excellence in education. Dedicated students, teachers, parents, administrators, and community support will take us closer to our collective goal of being an outstanding school system.


Barrows Street

I was outraged and greatly offended by the obscene and blasphemous remarks from the Revs. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson against the Islamic religion.

Such irresponsible and unsubstantiated accusations could only sow the seeds of hatred in the hearts and minds of their followers and others who heard them. They do not heed the Christian creed of “love thy neighbors,” as commanded by Christ.

The so-called moral majority and Christian Coalition should be renamed the immoral minority and the Christian violation.


Jefferson Avenue

A recent letter to the Readers' Forum regarding boycotting any Wal-Mart in Michigan made me laugh. Why is it perfectly acceptable for Michigan residents to work and shop in Ohio, thereby clogging up our streets with their traffic? They do not pay any taxes to improve our streets and now they do not want to have a place to shop in their own neighborhood because it may cause them some traffic congestion. What a joke!

If a Wal-Mart is built in Toledo, let's count the Michigan license plates in the parking lot.


Brock Drive

Gangs in Toledo just love the Toledo Public School system's policy of suspending disruptive students. This provides the gangs with new recruits on a daily basis. Just think what the novice can learn in a 21-day suspension!

But if the student was allowed to chill out in a room with an adequate trusted teacher, the child, sometimes for the first time, learns how to examine other options available.

Hello? Is anybody listening?


Parkwood Avenue