It's hard to trust this President


I have read a lot in this forum lately about the need to trust the President. I would love to do this, but it's hard.

On taking office, he promised to “... be a uniter, not a divider.” He has polarized the country, divided the United Nations, and isolated the United States in the world community.

As the “education president” he promised to “... leave no child behind.” He apparently is now willing to leave half of them behind, since that is the amount by which he has under-funded his own program.

He promised $11 billion to New York to rebuild after 9/11. Sorry, didn't happen.

He promised billions to rebuild Afghanistan after we bombed it even further into the stone age. No dice - nothing in the budget.

He promised to crack down on corporate criminals who steal our pensions. He fought for the weakest laws possible, then his bureaucracy cut the guts out of them.

He promised to protect the environment with “clear skies” legislation. Guess what - the restrictions are optional and (even if every company complied) result in weaker protection than existed before.

The list goes on. I will start trusting this President when he starts considering his word his bond.



If the voters of northwest Ohio allow the forced resignation of Marcy Kaptur, shame, shame, shame! She has done more for her district than any other of her predecessors. I only hope she can surpass Strom Thurmond's tenure in years of service to her district as well as her country. We need Marcy in Congress! Maybe the Senate? Maybe beyond?


Bowen Road

I was foolish. I naively believed that the city of Toledo was immune to the kind of nonsensical anti-Americanism that usually resides on the West Coast or in many Middle Eastern countries. I'm not saying people have to agree with a war on Iraq. Former City Councilman Mike Ferner doesn't accept the idea of a war there and, though I disagree with his reasoning, I can respect his position.

Unfortunately, our own U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) has let fly a statement so reprehensible and idiotic that I am aghast the good people of Toledo elected her. Her enlightened opinion went: “One could say that Osama bin Laden and these non-nation-state fighters with religious purpose are very similar to those kind of atypical revolutionaries that helped to cast off the British crown,” That's right, she compared American patriots to a vile, mass-murdering lunatic. Well, call me crazy, but I don't think Osama's head belongs up on Mount Rushmore.


Temperance, Mich.

All my life (and I'm an “oldie”) I've tried to live by the adages we often hear: “live within your means,” “stay out of debt,” “save for a rainy day,” etc.

Now, however, we have a Congress and President who are spending us into a deficit position that will surely delay any economic recovery for years to come. The sad part is this spending spree does not include the cost of a war with Iraq nor, apparently, the additional cost we must shoulder to push, pull, and shove Iraq into our idea of democracy.

For a short while it appeared our government was moving in a direction to lower our constantly soaring deficit. Now that scenario has reversed and we're committed to a billion (possibly even a trillion) dollar deficit that will saddle us, our children, and our grandchildren with a humongous debt ad infinitum.

Whatever happened to budget discipline? Or “live within your means”?



The Regional Technology Alliance is apparently clueless regarding any kind of approach to bringing 21st century technology and, hence, new, hi-tech manufacturing to Toledo and the region.

As a 30-year scientist, technologist, and businessman with a PhD from Cornell University in organic chemistry, and as a multidisciplinary researcher, technology driver, and profitable business developer from diverse industries, I find the RTA's methods to be replete with a completely non-logical approach, a lack of focus, and made up of a hodgepodge of people, some of whom have as much technical ability as Elmer Fudd.

It is no wonder, then, that no local public or private institution is willing to invest any venture capital funds to support the RTA's efforts. The RTA doesn't even have a technical assessment of the region, indicating strengths, weaknesses, and directions of value for new businesses.

Until the right credentialed people become part of the RTA, personal agendas are obliterated, and a coherent plan for Toledo and the region is developed, we will be well outside the zone of respect routinely associated with the Three Cs (Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati).

Is it any wonder that the Three Cs continue to develop new businesses and to diversify? It will require strong oversight by responsible and knowledgeable people to make sure that the RTA does its job. No oversight exists now. Citizens of Toledo and northwest Ohio: Learn what's happening here and rely on people who are looking out for your futures.

You want the slogan to proudly say, “The Three Cs and T, that's Ohio!” You do have control of your destinies, but you must keep demanding that capable and concerned professionals go to bat for you. Demand the representation and competence you deserve. It's your future.



In 1999 I moved back to Toledo after playing college basketball. I only know Stan Joplin well enough as to say hi to him if I run into him around town. Since he has come back to coach at Toledo the team has won some conference tournament games, beat some Big 10 schools (on the road!), and played in the NIT.

Did the program not win 20 games for the first time in many years? The March 9 article by Ron Mussleman was very biased.

Every single Division 1 school in the country has transfers. I have met Sam Bacino and he is a person of good character. But Sam Bacino is going to say that it worked out a lot better for him academically and athletically at his new school. Who is going to put a second-rate tag on his alma mater?

Why was Craig Rogers not mentioned? He graduated and is one of the most improved players in UT's basketball history. Also, did he finish his masters? Did Stan Joplin and his staff have anything to do with that? College athletes are over 18 years old. If they choose to waste their study table time, it is not the head coach's fault. His job is to put his best foot forward to make sure his players graduate; that should not include babysitting his team eight hours a week at a study table! I do not know of one Division 1 college basketball player who didn't have dreams of playing in the NBA at age 18. By 20, 21, and 22 those dreams turn into reality and if a college degree is not a priority then maybe the academic opportunity was wasted. Is that the coach's fault?


Woodlake Drive

Freedoms include the right to leave

Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his/her opinion about our government, culture, or society, and at every opportunity. However, there are a few who delight in condemning our government, desecrating our flag, and seeking to change the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance and our national motto. Also there are a few who are thoroughly and profoundly ashamed to be an American.

I urge them to take advantage of another right in this great nation: The right to leave.


Bradner, Ohio