Find better solution than tuition hikes


The blame game continues in higher education. The state government blames the federal government, the university blames the state government, and the students get left with the bill.

The University of Toledo again raised tuition to balance its budget. The university blames the state for lack of funding, which is a merited argument, but the bottom line is: When is the university going to stop pointing fingers and start finding better solutions?

With $14.5 million in increased student fees, the average increase per student is $690.

Of course, because of the added surcharge of $97 per credit hour for 13 hours and above, this number can be higher or lower.

For example, an in-state College of Business student taking 16 credit hours will see a jump of $1341.68, or 20.8 percent, this year. To pay for this increase a student will have to find time to work 11 extra weeks (20 hours per week, $6 per hour).

The sweeping increases have put a large burden on students and their families. These increases are going to negatively impact the lives of thousands of students as they try to find ways to pay for their education. And many students will find that coming to this fine university will be financially out of reach.

Continue voicing your support for higher education funding at the state level, but also remember that the problem can be solved here at home. The university budget must be closely watched to truly make sure that any excess is trimmed, so that the students will not have to continually be scraping the bottoms of their pockets.



Student Government

University of Toledo

Thanks to The Blade and staff writer George J. Tanber for the incisive report on the West Central Avenue sprawl. The existing condition is a direct result of selfish interests by real estate developers who disregarded the needs of orderly growth and the disgraceful acts by township trustees and administration in sanctioning the abuse.

Perhaps your report will serve as a wake-up call for Sylvania Township voters.



Carrietowne Association

Pine Creek Drive

Show respect when displaying the flag

I have noticed over the past few years that our country is becoming more patriotic. It is safe to say that every American is proud of this country, most of the time. I have found one problem with all this patriotism; many Americans do not know how to display the American flag correctly. Many Americans do not realize that they are displaying it incorrectly.

It is disrespectful to hang the flag improperly, almost like burning the flag. My solution is to do something about it if you don't want to disrespect our country. Call your local veterans post, Boy Scout troop, or even a government office.

If you do not know how to dispose of your flag correctly, give it to any of the organizations previously stated, and they will dispose of it properly.



It should be increasingly obvious to impartial observers, and even supporters of the Bush Administration, that America's occupation of Iraq is on a dangerously deteriorating course.

It should also be increasingly apparent that not only were the reasons for invading Iraq deceptively presented by the administration, we were wholly unprepared for the chaotic conditions of a defeated Iraq.

If we continue our present policy of trying to impose our will on a country increasingly opposed to our occupation, we will only further inflame the antagonism of Islamic and Arab peoples everywhere toward the United States, and defeat the very aims of our overall policy of eliminating terrorism. We will also continue to be perceived as the imperialistic bully we have historically condemned and combated.

Disdaining the view of most international observers, and a sizable minority of our own citizens, that an invasion of Iraq would be a misguided over-reaction to a problem that could be peacefully resolved, we are now reaping the results of our blundering arrogance.

The Bush Administration and an obsequious Congress must be held accountable for the mishandling of American power and influence in the world generally, and in Iraq in particular. But it is we, the American people, who are ultimately accountable for allowing our government to act so irresponsibly in our behalf.


Middlesex Drive

I read with interest the comment made by Lucas County Commissioner Harry Barlos about the proposed $1.25 million renewal levy for Children Services. He stated that Children Services does a wonderful job.

As an attorney, based on my own experiences with Children Services, I would question whether that statement is based upon actual knowledge.

I know that many of my colleagues, within the legal profession and without, share my concerns with the manner in which Children Services does its work.

While no one questions the importance of its mission, I believe it is time to take a close look at its practices and procedures. I hope the commissioners will not just simply approve placing the levy on the ballot without some real evaluation.


Wise & Dorner, Ltd.

North Michigan Street

OK, members of Toledo City Council, let's all vote for that Anti-Patriot Act Resolution.

Oh, I know, I know, some of them are up for re-election. But believe me, their constituents will be mighty pleased with their efforts to secure their constitutional rights.

That Patriot Act has stripped away many of our rights. Our government shouldn't be finding out what books we check out of the library, or snooping into our e-mails or financial records, or arresting us for speaking out against the government. This is America, don't ya know, the land of the free, not a country controlled by a dictator.

So come on all you brave council persons, put aside party loyalties and vote to restore our civil rights.


Bowling Green

Concerning your recent editorial about increasing the speed of trucks on the Ohio Turnpike, a few points to ponder. The speed of most company-owned trucks on the road is governed by computer. They might be allowed to run at 65 mph but can be prevented from going significantly faster. Permitting trucks to run faster allows drivers to cover the same amount of miles in less time, which would increase the time that drivers have to rest.

Finally, isn't everyone constantly bemoaning the fact that more trucks don't use the turnpike? Perhaps if they were allowed to run the same speed as the rest of the vehicles out there, they might.


Grand Rapids

Tarangini enjoyed a warm welcome

Congratulations, Ohio, on your 200th birthday. The crew of Tarangini appreciates the warm welcome and hospitality extended to us by all elected officials and citizens of Ohio during our stay at Cleveland and Toledo.

The port authority and International Park advisory board extended all support to us during our stay at Toledo. We appreciate all the elected officials and citizens of Ohio for their kindness, friendly attitude, and warm hospitality. We look forward to visiting Ohio once again.



INS Tarangini