What if abortion is only option?


I read with interest the letters regarding abortion. All of the letter writers seem to be concerned about the parallel between anti-abortion activists and terrorist groups.

As a patient escort at an abortion clinic several years ago, I saw them face-to-face. Their fanaticism was truly frightening and to me they certainly were terrorizing the patients, staff, and volunteers at the clinic.

For more than 30 years I have been involved with issues of women's reproductive health, including abortion. Of course many women have regrets about terminating a pregnancy. They wish it had not been necessary, but they also realize that at the time it was the appropriate action for them. Personally, I cannot second-guess them.

There are several excellent books about the difficult choices women have been forced to make including Abortion, My Choice, God's Grace by Anne Eggebroten, Ed., Sacred Choices by Daniel C. Maguire, and Behind Every Choice Is a Story by Gloria Feldt.

One letter writer referred to the availability of contraception. Is he aware that due to recent legislation by the Ohio Legislature, it will be significantly more difficult for low-income women or women without insurance to obtain contraception after early 2004? Clearly the legislature does not care that a woman's only remaining option might be an abortion.


Hill Avenue

I truly enjoyed the editorial cartoon, “Smokey and the Bandit,” and the editorial, “Truckin' someplace else.” I sympathize with the truckers and their companies because the turnpike was originally planned to take away traffic from other main highways.

In addition, the traffic on U.S. 20, Airport Highway, and State Rts. 108 and 109 has increased so much it's unbelievable, and all the more so since just-in-time freight went into effect. I truthfully can relate to these truckers' plight because I worked in traffic and receiving and understand they have deadlines as well as long hours on the road.

Give these guys a break!

Truckers are just trying to make a living. Most are considerate on the highways. One from the state of Pennsylvania was kind enough to watch over me when I had a blowout on the turnpike, and he changed my tire for me. I didn't get his name, but for him to stop and help me was one kind deed.

This man was on his way home. I would have had to walk about five miles to the next exit on one very hot day. I like to use the turnpike, too. What is that old saying - “the shortest distance between two points is a straight line”? Same principle.

The Ohio Turnpike is one grand roadway, and it would really benefit these truckers to be able to use it. Whey not give them a break on the tolls?


Wauseon, Ohio

As our environmental protection laws are being downgraded by the present administration, think of the consequences for future generations.

The air-quality standards are being lowered as the number of asthma cases in the United States increases. The water-quality protections are also being lowered just as the number of cancer cases increases nationwide. Now the Endangered Species Act is being dissected to allow big business to profit from our national parks and forests that we all enjoy. Write Congress now before we are endangered!


Clay Center, Ohio

The July 29 article that Toledo City Council was going to sell the Bay View Armory to a Michigander for $90,000. so that he and his friends could dock their boats there, made me sick. For $90,000 he will have his own seven acres on the water for private use.

Toledoans will not see the armory again. I have spent eight years of my life trying to put the Naval Armory project together and spent more than $70,000. I have fought the city all the way. I had the means to do what we said we would do. Ford Weber is not telling the whole story. I offered the city a one-year reversion and they changed it to five years. Jay Black said they put that in all city contracts. I do not believe that.

So Michigan people walk off with another of Toledo's historical places, while Toledoans do nothing but watch it go.



Toledo's Jeep workers have been challenged many times over the years, through changes of ownership and difficult economic conditions. The newest owner, DaimlerChrysler, has challenged Jeep workers that, if they improved quality and efficiency, and accepted new production methods, they would remain fully employed.

UAW Local 12 members have more than met that challenge. The Wrangler line is still excelling after 60 years, and the new Toledo facility has become the most efficient plant in its class. Currently more than 400 Jeep workers are on layoff, even though they were a tremendous part of that success.

DaimlerChrysler has yet to commit new products to Toledo, while announcing the building of a new $700 million van plant in Savannah, Ga., and a $400 million engine plant in Dundee, Mich.

It has also recently hired 250 new employees at a Warren, Mich., truck plant, while failing to honor local contract language requiring them to offer these jobs to laid-off Jeep workers.

The city of Toledo gave many incentives to DaimlerChrysler in exchange for a commitment to maintain jobs. Jeep workers have more than lived up to their end of the deal, and the city has certainly done its part.

It's time for DaimlerChrysler to add additional product in Toledo, and bring back those laid-off workers. Along with the city of Toledo, Jeep workers have earned it.



UAW Local 12

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that the total budget deficits of the states in the 2004 fiscal year will be in a range of $70 billion to $85 billion (smaller than the amounts spent in Iraq). The deficits are deeper than at any time in the last half century.

I have a solution for Govs. Gray Davis, Jennifer Granholm, Bob Taft, and the other 40 governors faced with these problems: They should write a letter to President Bush saying there is a terrorist network in their state (some would claim it is the lobbyists) and that they believe there is oil and gas in their state.

The President would send in the Marines. After the military invasion that would destroy the states' crumbling bridges, schools, and medical facilities, Vice President Dick Cheney's former company and the President's and Mr. Cheney's political allies would get the no-bid contracts to rebuild bridges, schools, and infrastructure.

They would even get them to operate their oil and gas wells! As an added bonus, the citizens of these states would receive medical care as proposed in Iraq and double the wages of those working the oil wells there. The states would be liberated!

Those companies and businesses within the state that perform the work for taxpayer dollars would be able to contribute to the President's election fund so he would be able to reach his goal of $200 million! Everyone would be a winner!


Flat Rock, Mich.

Your editorial on the Episcopal Church said that “scripture can be used both to condemn the denomination's decision to confirm Bishop Robinson, so the arguments against an openly gay bishop become more subjective than objective.”

You should have provided the scripture references along with the Bible utilized to lead to this conclusion. This would give readers a greater opportunity to discern the truth and make up their own minds rather than be biased on the basis of information with no specific references to support your statement.

