A clever coup by Clinton


I find it interesting that Bill Clinton chose to devote considerable space in his library to the impeachment and the investigations that took place nonstop during his administration. The press also thought it was a little naive of him to highlight the so-called scandals.

But the thought finally occurred to me that this was a very clever coup on Mr. Clinton's part. You probably heard the adage: "Don't get mad, get even." Just think, the vile scurrilous charges, the name calling, and the lies, are all going to be immortalized in the library.

Every visiting scholar and presidential historian who visits the Clinton Library will examine and digest all of those attacks on Mr. Clinton and get familiar with their perpetrators. Newt Gingrich, Kenneth Starr, Tom DeLay and all the boys will go down in history in, I might say, an unfavorable light.

All the press can do is cry, but that will last only a short period of time. For however long the library lasts, the world will see Mr. Clinton's side of the story, and the press can do nothing to change anybody's mind about it. They called Mr. Clinton a lot of things, but they never called him dumb.



I moved to Columbus from Toledo 16 years ago and was appalled to read in The Blade that Michigan coach Lloyd Carr and his players were searched as they entered Ohio Stadium for the game. The search was disrespectful and was clearly meant to intimidate the players.

I attended the game and was not given so much as a second glance by the ticket-taker despite the fact that I had a fanny pack, seat cushion, and large coat with deep pockets, three places where contraband could easily be hidden.

If the athletic officials were truly worried about security, every fan should have been given the same level of attention given to the players. Scare tactics must not be tolerated, and I urge Big 10 commissioner Jim Delaney to investigate this incident.

Shame on OSU Athletic Director Andy Geiger and coach Jim Tressel. To Coach Carr and the Michigan team, I apologize and say congratulations on their Big 10 Title and second consecutive Rose Bowl appearance.



Those who fear firearms and hunting should become educated before spouting inaccurate statements meant to scare the public.

Do hunters enjoy their sport? Absolutely. But the reason the Michigan (and Ohio) Department of Natural Resources allow hunting of deer is to actually save lives, not endanger them. A deer population that is not controlled by hunters will almost double in size every year. This results in an increase in deer/auto accidents, which not only increase our insurance rates as these accidents are extremely expensive, it puts motorists and their passengers in grave danger because too often it is not just the deer that winds up dead.

In 2000, Michigan experienced more than 67,000 deer/auto crashes, leaving six people dead and another 2,300 injured. Repair bills for these accidents exceed $100 million a year. In comparison, on average, Michigan's deer hunting season produces two fatalities and 15-20 injuries. The fact is a person is more likely to be killed driving a car and hitting a deer than die in a hunting accident.

As humans continue to move into historic deer habitat and deer invade human-dominated landscapes looking for food, the incidence of deer/auto accidents will increase. The deer population must be controlled in order to minimize the threat created by the mere co-existence of deer and cars. Hunting provides for an effective means of controlling deer population while the DNR protects the populace by enforcing safety rules and regulations.

To suggest that the Michigan DNR forsakes the safety of its citizens and travelers for the enjoyment of hunters is an insult to a department which protects the great natural resources of Michigan.



I find it disturbing that in less than two weeks after passing the 3/4 percent renewal, the City is rehashing the same solutions. Layoffs in police and fire, charging a new fee for refuse collection. Let's examine these alternatives.

How many more interns and exempt employees are now working at Government Center since the "strong mayor" form of government took effect, and are all these political appointees necessary? Are they being paid out of the general fund? Or shifted to other funds?

With the proposed reorganization of the Erie Street Market, Parking Authority, and Citifest management, will this money be returned to the General Fund?

Is it necessary to have a helicopter and horse patrol? We have seen the City buy and sell the operation of the horse patrol once before. It is a fairly expensive operation to buy and sell. The same can be said of the motorcycle patrol. All the while leaving good-paying, funded jobs vacant in other departments.

Have buyouts been considered? I know that during negotiations the unions proposed them and showed how it could save the City close to $1 million, and that included hiring replacements at much lower wages and benefits.

I bring all this up because I don't believe that I, and others like me, should have to pay a fee to collect the one can of trash I create every two weeks. There are many people filling four to six cans a week. Council and the mayor are up for re-election next fall. It would probably be a good time to start showing leadership and inventiveness, as opposed to the same old song and dance.


Berry Street

The daily drum beat of the politically defeated continues.

The winners are called extremist and worse. The losers are called the left-wing fringe or worse. The election was called ridiculous by some! American values are put in question. The world doesn't love us anymore.

Various media enjoy a $400 million windfall of political contributions. (the real winners).

The bottom line: It's really about one party that had tremendous power to make positive changes in our society. It enjoyed the fruits, and squandered the power. It spent uncounted billions of taxpayer dollars over those 40 years, with little to show for it. It lost its vast power base because the majority of voters in November simply no longer believed them, and were willing to try a new long-term direction, for better or worse.

Let's face it, our schools are still wanting, local/state governments work hand to mouth, the poor are still poor, imports are smothering American jobs, our taxes continue to rise as a result, and, yes, we are the free world's policeman, like it or not!

Let's all give this new bunch 40 years to work their programs. Then go ahead and make the "poison" statements if they fall on their faces, but only after a fair comparison. In the meantime, come up with a positive, rather than sarcasm, hate, and fear. Become part of these solutions. You'll feel a lot better!


Port Clinton

The whining of deadbeat parents doesn't pay for the expense of raising children they're responsible for conceiving, not to mention the many negative consequences of a missing parent.

One was heard to say, "They're taking half my check!"

So what? Even if your obligation takes the whole check, be a man and let the money be there even if you're not.

All children have an inherent right to more than merely basic necessities, which most of these deadbeats maintain is sufficient.

Wouldn't it be nice to hear a person say, "My dad helped. He was always there to help pay for my education, clothes, food, medical bills, etc."?

Too many deadbeats with too many lame excuses. It's the law. Pay your child support or go to prison.



Before Toledo City Council again imposes its own agenda for the citizens with the garbage tax, I have two words for them: smoking ban.


Jean Road