Compassion for a friend in need


The Blade published a recent article chronicling the tragic accident that befell former Woodard High School baseball coach Andy Toth and the subsequent expressions of mercy and compassion shown him by two former ballplayers of his named Joe Correa and Ed Johnson. In May, 2003, after a terrible fall in his home, Andy became paralyzed because of a spinal cord injury. This accident also left him and his wife struggling financially; Andy ultimately was moved into a nursing home.

When Joe and Ed, two former Woodward baseball players, now local businessmen, heard what had happened to their former coach, they got involved. Through their efforts, along with financial support from friends, family, and even strangers, Joe Correa was not only able to purchase a $32,000 specially outfitted van for Andy but also a $99,000 house which was also remodeled to accommodate Andy's disability.

The reasons people go to these lengths to help other human beings varies. In Andy's case, it was not only because he was a good coach but as Messrs. Johnson and Correa put it, "Andy was the nicest, politest gentleman in the world."

Forty years ago, while Andy and I were teammates on the University of Toledo's baseball team (1965-67), I, too, found him to be "the nicest, politest gentleman in the world." Even though he possessed outstanding athletic skills, he was humble and a pleasure to be around.

The Bible says that "unforeseen (chance) occurrences befall us all, even though we may be the strongest, wisest, wealthiest, or even the nicest of individuals."

I hope and pray that Andy will recover from his accident. Meanwhile, it is heartening to read about so much love being shown to such a deserving individual.


Arlington Avenue

Children currently at risk of abuse in Ohio would be protected if state Sen. Teresa Fedor's proposal gets adopted. It took until age 29 before I was able to come forward and report sexual abuse I suffered as a child in Toledo. By that time the statute of limitations had expired and I had no recourse in the criminal or civil courts. My perpetrator was not brought to justice, which is sad. But it was devastating to learn that even after I reported him in 1985 he continued to abuse other girls until 1992. If charges could have been brought in 1985 he would have been exposed and the other girls could have been saved. The arbitrary statute of limitations favors child molesters and leaves vulnerable children at risk. Ohio legislators should fix this loophole to protect Ohio's children.

Barbara A Blaine


Editor's note: Barbara Blaine is a former Toledoan and president and founder of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

School closings. Flood warnings. Level 3 snow emergencies. Freezing rain. Major power outages. Ice storms. Multiple vehicle pile-ups with injuries. Winter storm warnings. Quirky weather. Winter vengeance

I don't remember most of these problems when Carty was our mayor!


Bowen Road