Consider hand Bush was dealt


This talk of George Bush being the worst president ever is ridiculous. Put yourself in Mr. Bush's shoes on 9/11. What were his options?

He could have treated the situation as a law enforcement issue, hunting down and arresting Osama bin Laden. But the issue of terrorism is bigger than one person, nor would our country tolerate such a minimalist response.

He could have "nuked 'em into the stone age." But this was not a realistic option. We would have alienated the world and ignored the root problem of Islamo-fascism. To say nothing of who exactly is "them"? Our nation justifiably demanded a military response, but against whom? The enemy is unlike any we've met before.

Mr. Bush thus came upon this strategic philosophy:

He perceived that the war on terror is a war between two ideologies, liberal democracy and theocratic dictatorship. Outside a clear act of war from a traditional nation with borders, this war cannot be engaged head on. We may want a World War II scenario for the sake of moral clarity, but that is not the great calling of our age.

This war must be waged indirectly, just as you don't fight carpenter ants by taking a sledge hammer to your walls.

With the long term in view, Mr. Bush has been attempting to change the Mideast from being a breeding grounds for terrorism to a democratic region friendly to the U.S.

Is this strategy reasonable? Clearly it is. Democrats nag about overlooked details - hindsight is always 20/20 - but even they must see the reasonableness of the strategy.

Has the strategy worked? There can be civil disagreement on this point without castigating Mr. Bush's character or motives. He is doing his civic duty in a reasonable fashion, given the hand he was dealt.

Peter Burfeind

Westbrook Drive

I want to commend Rose Russell for her May 6 column about one's civic responsibility to get out and vote. It is appalling that in the recent election only 20 percent of registered voters came out and voted (no matter what their skin color).

She should also be commended for her emphasis on what past African-Americans went through to gain the right to vote.

However, did she really equate having dogs and water hoses turned on you with having to show an ID card? There is a huge difference between denying someone the right to vote and making sure that they only vote one time.

Matthew C. Smith


Kudos to Larry Dillin and the Dillin Corp. The proposed Village at Southwyck plans look great and Mr. Dillin and his company are the right people to make them happen. Let's all get behind him and this excellent plan, just as we did when the entire city rallied to "Keep Jeep." This redevelopment will be a much needed boost for South Toledo and the entire city.

Patricia Foley

Barclay Drive