Ohioans want leadership? No kidding!


Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Bennett was quoted in The Blade as follows: "Ohioans want leadership in these challenging times "

How prophetic!

The citizens of Ohio have watched the Republicans, who have controlled the Statehouse, both branches of the Legislature, and virtually all state offices, run Ohio into the ground for the past 15 years and they would love to see some leadership.

He goes on to say, "Republicans aren't perfect, but so far we're the only party out there fixing the problems facing state government and getting back to the business of leading Ohio." What gall!

There is no question that there are a lot of problems in Ohio that need fixing, but the Republicans created them.

I would challenge Mr. Bennett to produce a list of the problems that an inept governor and a Republican-controlled legislature have fixed. It would be much easier to develop a list of the problems that these "imperfect" people have caused.

And now, the Republican "fixer-uppers" have put forth a candidate for governor who campaigned for two years on a tax plan that was going to be the salvation of the state and who immediately abandoned that plan once he won the primary.

Where are Ken Blackwell's convictions? What happened to his principles? I really don't care if his tax plan was flawed or not. He touted it for two years, used it to win the primary election, and dumped it quicker than you can wipe dog doo off your shoes.

Seems to me that it's time to let the Democrats have a shot at cleaning up the Republican-made mess. They can't possibly do a worse job than Mr. Bennett and his cronies, and there is just a possibility that they might do the right things.

Don Decker


What? Arnie's closed? Could it be that there aren't enough smokers left to sustain a healthy tavern industry in Toledo? Maybe the best thing Toledoans can do to save Arnie's is to make sure they've all signed a SmokeFREE Ohio ballot initiative petition.

Then Toledoans can all vote yes on the SmokeFREE ballot question and, when it passes, everyone can spend their dollars at Arnie's. Including me. I live in Monroe County, Michigan.

Will I "cross the line" to go to a bar that is smoke-free? You bet. But tonight I'll be having a gin and tonic on my own front porch.

Susan Ryan

Ida, Mich.

As President Bush gives himself a hearty pat on the back for a supposedly recovering economy that promises to grow even stronger thanks to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs, I would like to submit a question.

What exactly are these jobs? If they are minimum wage "positions," then there is no recovery in sight for the working class of our nation.

Sherry Shaheen


Bar owner Arnie Elzey has thus far refused to comment on the demise of his storied West Toledo tavern. He has missed a golden opportunity to blame its closing, once again, on the smoking ban - you know, the smoking ban that doesn't apply to bars and taverns.

Grant Ackerman

Scottwood Avenue