The things America stands for


The July 4 editorial, "America at 230," made me wonder about a few other things America stands for. We stand for truth, truth being that which could be established by a preponderance of evidence. We stand for justice, justice being that which is a properly meted punishment befitting the crime. We stand for the American way, which has changed with the ages, while never violating the latter ideals of justice and truth.

I remember a nation that was greater than the sum of it parts, a nation ready and willing to free the oppressed, defend the weak, and stand fast against all forms of evil.

I remember a nation of freedoms and rights, personal responsibility and solid moral character, moral being that which is established by truth, justice, and the American way.

Given the events of the last five years, a President who lies, a Congress which panders to greed, an Army that tortures, soldiers who murder the innocent, the evisceration of the Constitution, the invasion of government into our everyday lives, corrupt judges and police, a blood thirsty populace, scoundrels, thieves, and despots draped in flags and crowing patriotism, I doubt that America can stand for another 230 years unless we step back and remember the things that made America great in the first place.

I want my children to know and stand for that which millions have stood for, and fight and defend that which so many have fought for and defended: Truth, justice, and the American way.

God blesses the honest, the just, and the honorable.

James A. White


Even though our neighborhood, like others in the city of Toledo, had lots of flooding and basements under water; even though many residents had ruined furniture, appliances, etc.; even though it took many days for flooded areas to get back to normal - isn't it wonderful that we still had good drinking water and, for the most part, electricity and gas service and our telephones were working?

What a wonderful city we live in!

What a blessing to live in this country.

I say "Nuts!" to all those people who write to The Blade complaining about poor response to the plight of flood victims and about all other defects in government.

It's a pity they can't see how fortunate we all are. The sun still shines, even when the clouds hide it.

God has blessed us all - even those among us who don't believe in God.

Judy Place

Daleford Drive

Constitutional bans on same-sex marriage and flag burning. Wonderful!

What's next?

Maybe constitutional amendments prohibiting sodomy, blasphemy, and spitting in public.

