Euthanasia last choice of veterinarian


The July 21 editorial, "Saving Barbaro," was a serious affront to the veterinary profession. The saga of Barbaro has indeed placed the advances in veterinary medicine before the animal-owning public.

However, it is a giant leap to use this information to condemn veterinarians for suggesting euthanasia for a suffering animal. The relief of animal suffering is part of the veterinary oath. The choice of euthanasia should be the last option to attain that relief.

There has been no open discussion of the monetary cost to the owner for the level of care that Barbaro is receiving. Although this has been a publicity windfall for the new Bolton Center, I doubt if the veterinary care given has been free. Obviously the horse's owner has decided to give the animal his chances at any cost.

Unfortunately, the average pet owner often puts the veterinarian in a no-win situation by placing monetary limits on the care of the pet, giving the doctor no real options other than to refuse care entirely. What is crueler?

Trust me, I have refused to euthanize animals that I know could have been treated successfully and I have been vilified because I have done so.

We are fortunate in northwest Ohio to not only have many good local veterinary practices but also two university-level facilities within a two-hour drive. There are at least three major veterinary specialty practices in the same driving radius.

The highest levels of care for the animals are available. It is the pet-owning public that must decide to avail itself of that care.


Perrysburg Animal Care of Ohio

I read with interest Homer Brickey's recent article on a free-enterprise start-up, "The Cost of Katie's Lemonade Stand." The step-by-step primer for doing a business plan and the many issues to consider before attempting to go into business was truly enlightening for a budding entrepreneur. The inclusion of comments by Aggie Dahar added credibility to the article.

Unfortunately the segment detailing "Help for Entrepreneurs" failed to include SCORE, "Counselors to America's Small Business." SCORE is part of the SBA, as is our sister organization SBDC.

While I have no problem with the sources listed for obtaining help, we believe SCORE assists more people who want to start a business or are having business problems than any other organization in the Toledo area.

We had 1,035 total counseling cases in fiscal 2005 and 651 more through June 30 of this year.

Total counseling cases include face to face, telephone, follow-ons, and e-mail. In excess of 40 percent of Toledo chapter counseling cases are follow-on - this clearly illustrates that the services we provide are wanted and needed by our clients.

The Toledo chapter has 40 counselors from a variety of business backgrounds, i.e. business owners, banking, accounting, financial, sales and marketing, engineering, architect, food service, etc.

Often we will team-counsel by having two or more counselors with varying skills work with the client depending on his/her needs. From a road map of how to start a business, developing a business plan, obtaining financing and working with the client after business inception, SCORE is the clients' best friends. SCORE also "trouble shoots" struggling businesses and helps them find a solution.

SCORE is northwest Ohio's best source for assisting the small-business owner or entrepreneur. Proof of this is that for the fiscal years 2003 and 2004 Toledo was named chapter of the year in our district.


Assistant District Director


Jefferson Avenue

Jack Kelly fails to understand the real reason why many grass-roots Democrats want Sen. Joe Lieberman knocked off the political chessboard.

It is not his hawkishness on Iraq per se, but rather his eagerness to attack fellow Democrats on Fox News and Sean Hannity's radio program, not to mention last November's column in the Wall Street Journal in which he urged support for President Bush's Iraq policy.

It gets worse. Recently, a parade of right-wing figures have come forward to praise Senator Lieberman as their model Democrat. In fact, the President himself pointedly said, "Joe Lieberman is right" about Iraq, which puts both men at odds with the majority of Americans.

Senator Lieberman's behavior is in a class by itself. He is emerging as the party's next Zell Miller, a Democrat who can be counted on to repeat a favorite talking point of the Right - that Democrats are "weak on national security." For that, he richly deserves defeat.

Paul Ruschmann

Canton, Mich.

Some say politicians don't do enough for children because they don't get anything in return. That is, children can't vote.

Well, children can't buy cars either. Nonetheless, Auto Dealers United for Kids has dedicated itself to raising money, year after year, which it dedicates solely to meeting the needs of children.

On behalf of the Medical University of Ohio and its Kobacker Center, I express my sincerest appreciation to the Auto Dealers United for Kids for its generosity and, more importantly, for its commitment to the well-being of children in our community.

Michele Knox

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

University of Toledo

Health Science Campus

I remember a time in my life when my parents would exhort me to "be seen and not heard."

Now some 50 years later, when to articulate my dissent against the actions of our government's leaders would make me "unpatriotic," or to express indignation at Israel's military posture in the Middle East would label me "anti-Semitic," or to, God forbid, question some of the recent practices of the church would designate me a heathen, I must regretfully conclude that some parental advice just might be timeless.

Stewart Wilkins


I'm getting sick and tired of reading that some two-bit mullah in some fifth-world country is going to bring down the wrath of jihad if Islam doesn't get its way. Jihad implies a holy war, which in any language is war, plain war. That works both ways. "Holy" adds to the gun-sight every Muslim mosque or holy site.

I have heard of more than one country that would like to get the Dome of the Rock off the Temple Mount, or release a "daisy cutter" while the unwashed are throwing stones at the Kaaba. It's easy enough - an "interested" third party imports a couple of experts already under a mini-jihad and gives them the necessary tools. This prospect trumps jihad in all sizes.

Islam should not kid itself. In war, "holy" is not going to help spare it ;or its holy sites. Let's stick "jihad" in the dictionary of the obsolete, next to Crusade.

Bob Faison


I want to applaud the efforts of SNAP, Parishes United, and the Voice of the Faithful for their efforts to urge Bishop Leonard Blair to be more open about the parish closings. This is something long overdue. I myself had planned to be there, but could not because at my parish (St. Adalbert's/St. Hedwig's) we had no priest on Sunday (a first), forcing me to seek Mass elsewhere. Finally, though I do not believe with Parishes United that the PNCC is a viable alternative to the church, its courage (and the courage of SNAP and the Voice of the Faithful) is still an inspiration to us all.

Mike Drabik

Bronson Avenue

I was deeply offended by the implications of Kirk's July 20 cartoon of President Bush kissing embryos.

These unborn children are our brothers and sisters and members of the human race. When they are at risk of being destroyed, then I as a member of the human race am at risk also.


Greenwood Avenue