Terrorist attacks on the increase


All of the right-wing radicals who proclaim the Republicans are stronger on terrorism need to look at a few facts. Under Bill Clinton we had a horrible terrorist attack on the Oklahoma City federal building. The person responsible was caught, tried, convicted, and given the proper sentence for his crime - death.

Under George Bush we suffered the most devastating terrorist attacks in our nation's history. Five years later the person responsible for these attacks is still free and has been orchestrating more attacks around the world. Now he is even being offered amnesty by a government that Mr. Bush claimed was one of our partners in the war on terrorism.

President Bush's response to these attacks has caused the death of more than 2,500 more Americans and squandered more than $300 billion on a useless war.

He claims to have made the world a safer place, but in fact terrorist attacks have increased. And we should not forget the anthrax mailings which happened also on Mr. Bush's watch. The guilty party was never found and the FBI says this is now a cold case.

Before George Bush we were a nation which was respected around the world for our humane and decent acts. Now we are the world's most hated nation and it has become unsafe for an American to travel anywhere out of our country.

I guess sitting in a classroom reading a children's book while our country is being attacked is what these radicals consider being strong on terrorism.


Cresthaven Lane

During past political seasons the Clean Campaign Pledge was dusted off for all aspiring office holders to sign. Most did, realizing the implications if their opponent signed and they refused. We then had kinder, gentler campaign rhetoric dealing more with actual issues.

Now we have a new batch of young politicians who think that mud-slinging is the way to win any election. Perhaps it is time to bring the pledge back, but I suggest one more line be added. "I pledge, if elected, to finish my full term before running for a different office." Maybe we can stop some of the office jumping, too.

Debra Reddish

Plymouth Street

Your Sept. 21 editorial on the "don't ask, don't tell" policy was deeply flawed. One can always find a "survey" that says just what your twitching ears want to hear. The policy should be changed to "ask and don't allow."

Homosexuality was wrong in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, it is wrong today, and it will always be wrong. Time, surveys, rationalizing, and people who call God a right-winged, bigoted, homophobic extremist will not change truth.

On this matter, the only choice is whether or not you will obey the voice of God. Woe to those who rationalize wrong to be right.

Terry Hubert


"Aw, Mom, I don't wanna eat the spinach!"

Looks like the kids had it right all along!

Denny Shea

Rudgate Boulevard