Smoke Nazis have come into power


It was doctors under Nazi Germany that first studied the effects of smoking on the human body.

In their quest to form a perfect world run by perfect people and rule over all others, corrupt little Nazi German people who could not control their own unhappy lives tried to control the lives others for their own good.

But freedom-loving people rose up against them and restored freedom.

For example: freedom to choose. Do I go to a business that allows smoking or choose not to go to that business?

But sadly, in a corrupt state run by a convicted governor, "Smoke Nazis" came to power once again, rallying against tobacco, ignoring more serious issues like another injust war in Iraq, poverty, homeless, illegal drugs, and America's jobs and manufacturing ability sent overseas to enrich a communist country like China, (58,000 American soldiers died to stop the spread of communism in Vietnam). They also ignored the outcome on the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920's.

What's one more law going to hurt among the volumes of man-made laws? Most people can't recite the Ten Commandments, let alone live by them.

My main concern as I get older and near retirement is people will live longer and as Social Security fails, what will be the Smoke Nazis' final solution to that problem?

John T. Kleeberger


The smoking ban began Thursday and the buzz has already been heard from both sides. I was disappointed to see that voters sided with Issue 5 and decided to give the government more control than they should have.

This will open the door for many more "bans" in the future. I understand the health issues of second hand smoke and agree it should be kept out of restaurants. But the truth is that a large percentage of bar, bowling alley, and bingo hall patrons and employees are smokers or "social smokers."

The people who voted for Issue 5 probably haven't set foot in a bar or bowling alley in years. Toledo voiced its opinion of the smoking ban last year when it reversed the local ban put in place. For that, I am proud of our town.

Aaron Wozniak

Woodmont Road

I think we here in the Toledo area forget that the smoking ban is statewide. Are smokers in Columbus and Cleveland going to drive to Michigan just to have a smoke? I think this is much ado about nothing.

Elaine Long


I think the Toledo Bar Association and Toledo attorneys should nominate attorney Joe Loeffler for scum bag of the year after he advised clients to break the law by ignoring the state smoking ban.

He set a new low for the legal profession. I don't know what describes him best, bottom feeder or Johnny Cochran wannabe.

He has sure changed my opinion of attorneys.

Norman A. Slupecki

Oakridge Drive

The "no smoking" ban goes into effect in Toledo and, my goodness, what a catastrophy!

As a nonsmoker, I have been wondering how all those indignant smokers get through the night since they can't seem to do without their "smokes" for even an hour!

M.E. Matyas


While the Ohio State-Michigan game has come and gone, I keep coming back to the preliminaries when the national anthem was played.

The TV cameras zoomed in on a few members of both teams as well as the two coaches. Some players could be seen singing (or mouthing the words) but all showed respect.

When the cameras zoomed in on Michigan Coach Lloyd Carr, there he stood with his normal stoic look and his cap on his head. OSU Coach Jim Tressel was observed showing respect by singing along with the crowd.

I found it odd that Coach Carr seemed to care less about what was going on at that time. He neither doffed his cap, placed his hand over his heart, or attempted to follow in the singing as we were taught in school. I thought that we were taught by example.

Some example for our young and his team.



A Dec. 3 editorial, "A doctrinal dilemma," said the Catholic Church Bishops are "out of touch" with their flock. The editorial then goes on to tell us how wrong the church is on its guidelines on homosexuality and birth control.

The reason the Catholic Church will stand until the end of time is that it is not only right when the world is right, but also it is right when the world is wrong.

The Blade's argument appears to be that because a large portion of "so called" Catholics disagree with the church's teachings, then it is obvious that the church must be wrong. That is misguided logic at best, and Catholic bashing at the worst. The Catholic Church does not define her morals by majority rule, but by the rule of God.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was right when he said, "It is not for the church we have to fear, but for the world?"

Jeff Hennessy

West Sylvania

There was a time when I was proud to say that I risked everything to employ people in the City of Toledo. That distant time began in 1991 and continued until recently.

That pride was based on a commitment on my part to risk everything I owned to provide ambulance service to the citizens of Toledo who were being underserved at the time.

Today, the city is not underserved. There are currently five private ambulance companies with 20 stations and 48 ambulances who are all providing excellent service at controlled rates. Today, I am able to provide a stable income with benefits to 25 families. Come July 1, 2007, that may no longer be the case.

It seems that the administration that wants to attract business and wants to promote "Toledo Pride" also wants to steal my "pride" by taking from private industry and giving to government "service" with a profit motive. All of this in spite of the fact that the taxpayers of this city already pay for fire service. Why did Bass Pro go to Rossford instead of Toledo? Probably because they were afraid to show their pride in a city that takes from the private sector and gives to the public sector.

Ask yourself why the Toledo administration isn't showing its "pride" by placing the proposed fire division's ambulances in areas of the city were the population doesn't have an ability to pay for transportation to the hospital and provide the service free of charge. If they did, that would be a "proud" moment in Toledo history.



Rumpf Ambulance

Phillips Avenue

Regarding Tom Troy's article about assessments, I love George Sarantou's quote: "This council passed this (purchase of new equipment) I think, understanding that the costs would have to be paid." Does this mean Council can make purchases without expecting to pay for them?

Richard M. reder

Foxcroft Road

Front page of The Blade. An attorney for bar ownersis telling people they should break the law. And they wonder why there are so many lawyer jokes.

Bill Pieper

117th Street