Mall needs to get tough on rowdies


Following the incident at Westfield Franklin Park, management should immediately follow the lead of some other malls around the country and place a curfew on unaccompanied minors in the mall after a certain hour, or perhaps altogether. I don't know for sure if the 15-year-old was even unaccompanied. However, I have seen large numbers of teens roaming the mall on Saturday nights.

We cannot allow groups of trouble-making teens to scare off shoppers who are there actually spending money and supporting the stores. Franklin Park could become the next Southwyck. When asked, most people will tell you the reason they quit going to Southwyck was because they were scared of the groups of trouble-making kids.

I know that most teens are good and would never think of causing trouble at the mall. Unfortunately, there are a few bad apples who destroy it for them, and ultimately destroy the mall for the rest of us. We just can't take that chance.

Michael Linnenkugel, Jr.

Hill Avenue

Regarding the article about the fights at Westfield Franklin Park, if the leasing manager does not find it necessary to comment or assure the shoppers that thuggish behavior will not be tolerated, perhaps the shoppers need to comment.

Maybe it is time for shoppers to take our money elsewhere. It is not good enough to just shop at the mall during the day. We must boycott the mall until security starts checking IDs just as they do at Fairlane Town Center in Dearborn.

Don't tell us that they can't stop that behavior. They must stop it if they wish to retain their customer base.

John M. Best, Jr.


With Tom Anderson's death, Toledo lost an extraordinary leader. He was someone on a mission all the time, and the mission always involved help for others or a passion for life's beauty. And whatever he was doing, he did it with a smile and warmth, and he was always encouraging others to join him.

But what was most remarkable about him, and the same is true of his siblings, are the families they reared. Whenever I meet an Anderson or an Anderson spouse, I am absolutely certain that the person will be warm, kind, and giving. They have wide and diverse world views, but they each share the same decency.

I look around at my generation in Toledo (say, those between 40 and 60), and I wonder how we will measure up. Will we become leaders of that caliber, with the same generosity and the same level of warmth, and who raise large families of wonderful children who share those values? For a lot of reasons - some better and some worse - I'm afraid the answer is that most of us won't.

We need to learn from the leaders of Tom's generation. And in mourning Tom and others of his generation who have passed, we need to commit to carry on their legacy in ways that force ourselves to stretch to be more like them.

Peter Silverman

Barrington Road

Thanks for the article recognizing the Grey Nuns. It is sad that they are leaving this community, but look at what they have done while here. St. Vincent Hospital has provided and continues to provide excellent care to northwest Ohio while meeting the ethical and religious directives of the Catholic church.

The St. Marquerite d'Youville Foundation will help the Grey Nuns keep a presence in our community. If you didn't have a chance to meet and know Sister June Ketterer, the last Grey Nun here in Toledo, you missed meeting a wonderful person who makes this world and Toledo a better place.

Good luck to Sister June and the Grey Nuns.

William D. Sanford

President and CEO

Compass Corporation

for Recovery Services

Collingwood Boulevard

The recent re-opening of I-280 has made the commute from my West Toledo home to my Oregon workplace more convenient than the route I previously used. However, I'm beginning to think that the longer, less convenient route might be a better idea.

When you approach the construction zone, the speed limit drops down - to 45 mph then to 35 mph - through the main construction area. There are signs posted, clearly warning you not only of the reduced speed, but of the strict penalties associated with speeding in a construction zone. This does not seem to faze fellow drivers.

Every day I have witnessed drivers going beyond the speed limit. I have even seen the speed meters in the zone read 60 mph for some cars ahead of me. The construction zone consists of sharp curves and a narrow passageway. The recent freezing temperatures have led to spots of ice on the road. This is an accident waiting to happen.

There are not many spots for a police officer to pull over speeding drivers without tying up traffic, but something needs to be done about this problem. When traveling this stretch, please take into consideration the safety of other drivers and especially the construction workers. They do not need another tragedy.

Jamie L. Dannenberg

Georgetown Avenue

It's hard to understand why many businesses, either locally owned and operated or part of a franchise, would not permit customers to carry concealed handguns.

Signs posted that concealed weapons are not allowed say two things. The first is that law-abiding citizens with clean criminal records who choose to exercise their rights are not welcome. The second thing these signs say is that criminals may come in and feel free to commit a crime without fear of response from customers and staff. This is the opinion of and its members as well as my own.

The only logical explanation for people to oppose concealed handgun laws and bans on guns is that they do not support the ideas that our country was based upon. However, it is understandable that there should be regulations. Not everyone should be able to own or carry a gun. It is also reasonable to regulate fully automatic weapons and suppressed (silenced) weapons. The solution to the problem is education, not ignorance.

Adam S. Levine

Secor Road

Every Blade article about Jeep always includes the amount of our hourly pay. The last two stories pointed out hourly, time-and-a-half, and double-time pay. As a Jeep employee, I'm irritated that my personal financial information is displayed publicly. I now have to deal with people making comments that our wages are too high and that we complain too much about working conditions, our union, and excessive overtime.

I would love for everyone to walk in the shoes of a Jeep worker. The amount of physical and mental stress is incredible. We work six to seven days a week doing repetitive jobs. We deal with irate managers who seem to think screaming at us will produce more cars. If we don't agree to work more than the six days required, we are threatened with the company bringing in scab workers. We have no time for our families, and are forced to choose between a paycheck to support them and the time to raise them.

I choose to work at Jeep and deal with what is thrown at me on a daily basis. Our work force is dedicated, hardworking, and committed to building a quality vehicle. So please, the next time someone is compelled to comment on our hourly wage, take into consideration as you climb into your Cherokee, Wrangler, Liberty, or Nitro the sacrifices made by the Jeep workers.

AiMee Ball


The Blade article describing a "riot" on the evening of Dec. 9 at Westfield Franklin Park begs the question: "Isn't that exactly the same type of conduct that resulted in Southwyck becoming a "ghost mall?" It's Levis Commons for us this holiday season.

Bob Dietrich
