Journalistic integrity not an oxymoron


Many people believe that journalistic integrity is an oxymoron and, in far too many cases, this has proven to be true. While I've heard countless members of our local community denigrate The Blade as being trite and sophomoric, the talents and integrity of Tom Walton should never be questioned.

For more than a decade, I have had the pleasure and honor of working with and knowing Tom. Thirteen years ago, we worked together in a program that promoted Holocaust education. When a committee of local leaders brought the Anne Frank in the World Exhibit to Toledo, Tom's genuine interest in and support of this fabulous activity helped make it a monumental success, with an audience of thousands who toured this remarkable exhibit. In subsequent years, Tom afforded me spots on his editorial and essay pages to express my feelings about education and the arts.

But the most fun I have ever had in my years of interfacing with Tom was his memorable stint as the endearing Mother Ginger in Toledo Ballet's 65th annual production of Nutcracker. His gentle humor and warm enthusiasm for this Toledo tradition underscored his commitment to his community, even when it meant donning silly make up and costume to bring laughter to his audience.

While perhaps his stage and editorial days are over, I am sure that Tom will continue to grace the lives of all those around him with his humility, his integrity and his ability to laugh at himself. Break a leg, my friend.

Mari Davies

Wyndwood Drive

First trash pick up is included in our taxes, then its an additional fee, then its skip a week to save money. Well, great I want to save money too, so I think everyone who did not get their trash picked up should be reimbursed for the forced service.

After all, is this not a service that we are paying for? Although forced or not, it turned into a contract for business and my contract is void.

Guess Mayor Carty Finkbeiner got his money back for all those flowers they planted.

Gerry Jaworski

West Central Avenue

Bishop Leonard Blair has done a great disservice to the Rev. Tom Leyland, the members of St. Rose Catholic Church in Perrysburg, and the Roman Catholic community at large. Every reason he has given for removing Father Leyland as pastor at St. Rose is just an excuse to cover up the truth, which is that he won't accept his actions being questioned. In the grand scheme of all the things that the bishop has to deal with in the church today, Father Leyland's request was so simple - to remain as pastor of his home parish for just a few more years before retiring at the time of his own choosing. Father Leyland loves being a pastor - and his friends and supporters at St. Rose love having him there!

The bishop has forgotten that the people are the church, and his actions show just how out of touch he is with the basic needs of that church today.

Meg Schoenlein


This could only happen in America. Joseph Clark was convicted of committing murder and was sentenced to death. And now his family is filing a lawsuit because he suffered during his execution. He did not slip into a peacefull death because of I.V. problems during the lethal injection.

As far as I am concerned, I am sure his victim suffered a violent death so if he suffered I am sure it was well deserved. As far as the lawsuit, it rates right up there with the multi-million dollar lawsuit for the pants that came up missing.

This is not what the courts in this country are for, and the attorney involved in this frivolous suit knows that.

Carl Zellner


I understand the sadness Joseph Clark's family must feel. Truly I do. Many families were effected by his actions. My family was also effected. Had it not been for my brother, Robert Barclay, and his quick thinking and actions, Robert Roloff might well have been another victim of Clark's murdering rampage.

My brother worked across the street from the bank that Mr. Roloff was at. He recognized there was a problem and ran across the street to be of aid. Clark almost ran my brother down on purpose as he sped off. Had my brother not remembered his license number that led to Clark's arrest, I have no doubt there would have been more victims. Had my brothernot been there to help Mr. Roloff, his family would be without him.

I know what my brother has gone though, having this horrible experience in his life. He certainly was not left unscathed by it all. I am sure Mr. Roloff has suffered, both physically and mentally, as well as his family. I am sure all the victims' families have suffered. Mr. Clark's family included.

Do they all deserve monetary damages? If the Clark family does, certainly they all do.

Connie Harvey

120th Street

It is with deepest sympathy that we, as officials and staff of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, bid farewell to Anthony Pizza, a strong library supporter, literacy advocate, and friend of our entire system.

Mr. Pizza will be remembered for his passion for law and spending a record 45 years in the Lucas County Prosecutor's Office. But to us at the public library he was an invaluable asset and served honorably as the library's chief legal counsel.

He was a man of impeccable integrity, and was a firm believer in making sound decisions that simply made good common sense. Mr. Pizza will also be remembered for his fierce knowledge of Ohio library law contained within the Ohio Revised Code.

We at the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library echo Prosecutor Julia Bates' sentiments in his Blade obituary, which stated that Mr. Pizza's legacy was "incredible" and that he will be forever remembered as "a hero."

If only all of us had the level of commitment, love for our community, and dedication to service as did Mr. Pizza, an exceptional man. The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library staff extends our sympathy to Mr. Pizza's wife, Madlynn, sons Michael and Toby, and to the entire Pizza family.

Clyde Scoles


Toledo Lucas County Public Library

The progressive, or liberal if you like, politicians and their media voices are citing the lack of fairness in today's political radio environment.

The impact of radio and TV is enormous and the impact of daily newsprint seems, sadly, to be declining.

Might it be interesting to see who is supporting the idea of reintroducing the fairness doctrine?

Should you be interested, view to see that an overwhelming number of journalists and reporters donate to the Democratic Party.

While I don't view this phenomenon as illegal or possibly even improper, I do view it as the reality and slant of today's media.

Why is this important? Why don't we ask The Blade, since their reporting and choice of news reporting is typically one-sided. Guess which side.

There is a great deal to understand about the motivation and purpose of those wishing for less conservative-oriented radio segments.

Where can we acquire a factual account of important issues or at least hear of accurate opposing views? Much like the hidden or hard-to-find details about the immigration cloture action, we do need to understand those details and continue to voice our opinion.

Bob Chaney


If Mayor Carty Finkbeiner is so gung-ho for Toledo, why is he driving a GMC product that was possibily not even made in Ohio?

T. Crippen
