City in need of wisdom, cooperation


I am sure that most, if not all, of the Toledo City Council members are ethically and morally sound, but the ouster of Rob Ludeman as president was ludicrous.

As a recent transferee to Toledo from the suburbs, I have been aware of the antics of the Democratic Party in Toledo. Make no mistake, I usually vote more Democrat than Republican, depending on the candidate. I voted for Mr. Ludeman because he was quiet, efficient, caring, and listened to the people he represented. While others were touting their intelligence and political know-how, he quietly got things done.

While it doesn't look good to have a Republican as president when there are so many Democrats on council, this is not a children's playground, which it has resembled for some time now. The job of council is to take care of Toledo and its residents. This is not just a stepping stone to bigger and better political jobs as is clearly the goal of several council members.

The City of Toledo is in need of all of the talent, wisdom, and cooperation it can dredge up to see it through the troubles it is in right now. It would be nice to see all the personal and political baggage left on the steps of One Government Center, and to see some unselfish action taken on behalf of the citizens of Toledo.

Delores Cottrell

Circular Road

For Mayor Carty Finkbeiner, who has tried to be elected as a Republican, Independent, and (after all else failed) Democrat, to refer to anything as "ongoing political gamesmanship" is like the pot calling the kettle black. After Carty choreographed a deal to put a Republican in as City Council chairman with an 8-4 Democratic majority and then to denounce others with the words "pettiness and bitter partisanship" is absurd.

I think some of us should remember that before the advent of Carty there was no A or B team: We were just Democrats. Calling his fellow Democrats "petty" demonstrates how little loyalty he shows to the party that helped him win his office and just how much harm he and his cohorts have caused.

Paige Price

Kingsmoor Drive

I don't remember Betty Shultz asking for an opinion from the City's Legal Department when she was doing some of Tom Noe's business.

Alton Woodard

Nebraska Avenue

Pedal boats on the Maumee River? That takes the cake. Then the city can hire chase boats to pluck the pedal boats back when they get caught in the current and wind up downriver.

Better yet, let s have pedal boat races. Then The Blade can cover this sport in the Sports Section since it doesn t cover local sailing anymore. Bring Back Shirley Levy.

