Mall traffic should stay off Jerome


The Shops at Fallen Timbers has opened to much fanfare and publicity but there are inaccuracies in newspaper ads placed by the retailers.

Contrary to the maps being printed alongside the retailers' ads, Jerome Road is not a viable access at this point. Until the ring connector road is completed, no one traveling to this development will be able to gain access to the new mall from Jerome.

To all those thinking the "no outlet" sign at the corner of Jerome and Monclova Road doesn't apply to them, think again. Our neighborhood has changed dramatically over the past year as a direct result of this mall. Countless hours of letter writing and meetings brought assurances to the residents of Jerome that no mall traffic would head down our residential street.

Until the connector road is completed and open to the public, Jerome should remain "the road less traveled."

Elaine Abel


It's an absolute joy that Toledo is in the running for the U.N.-endorsed "World's Most Livable City" competition. As a lifelong resident of Toledo, I have been one who has noticed the truly incredible, positive changes that have and are continuing to happen.

As a Toledo businessman my entire adult life, I can tell anyone who is still failing to see these positive changes that they are very real and it is making a measurable difference.

I have never been more proud to show off our city to visitors and they have more positive things to say then ever before.

My hat goes off to Mayor Carty Finkbeiner, the hard-working people in his administration, Toledo City Council, my colleagues in local business, and all my fellow residents who have taken an active role in making the dream of Toledo as a premiere, midsize, all-American city a reality.

It is my hope that this will lead to even greater things and, ultimately, more growth that will be of benefit to us all. I also hope that this will serve as an example for the naysayers that maybe they should consider joining all of us who are working to promote Toledo in a positive light.

It's been a long road for those who remember the devastation this city suffered when jobs began evaporating to overseas locations.

While many people who suffered great loss rightfully felt all was lost, there were people who chose to stand up and fight. We should take a break from that fight and celebrate this victory, if only for a moment.

There is still much work to be done but maybe we should pause to thank everyone, from Mayor Finkbeiner on down, who never allowed the sun to set for good on our Toledo.

Andrew Howard

Manley Road

The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library has a levy on the ballot this fall and there are several reasons this levy deserves passage. First, the staff is the most courteous and helpful that I have ever worked with. They are very obliging and it is much easier for all of us to use the library s wonderful resources because of them. Also, the extended hours of operation are extremely accommodating.

The main reason they deserve our support, however, is that once we pass this levy and the money is set aside for the library, Carty can t touch it.


Melvin Drive