McCain will be more of the same


It is looking like our presidential election will be reduced to a high-school popularity contest again.

Look, we had the guy at the end of the bar as President the last eight years and we all see how well that worked out.

We have higher gas prices, higher health-care costs, and lower-paying jobs with fewer and fewer benefits.

John McCain claims he puts country first. Really? His choice for vice president vetoes that claim.

Of all the qualified women and men available in the Republican Party, he chose one that divides the country. Not because of her personal issues, but the fact she is a right-wing extremist and cares nothing about the middle class.

What is the difference between Vice President Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin? Lipstick.

Do not let these divisive people control our country, and your children and grandchildren s future, for the next four years.

John McCain means more of the same.

Donald G. Pisula


As I read Froma Harrop s Sept. 7 column, I had to double-check the date. I thought perhaps I was reading a column from 1952.

I am a stay-at-home-mom of a 4 and 2-year-old, with another on the way. I love staying home with my children, and it is the best choice for our family. But I was appalled when Ms. Harrop criticized Sarah Palin for choosing to run for high office when her children are still young.

According to Ms. Harrop, having children, especially (gasp!) five, disqualifies a woman from doing anything of importance besides raising her children. And watch out, moms. If your child makes a bad choice, according to Ms. Harrop, you d better lower your ambitions because that also disqualifies you from aspiring to high positions. I guess I d better wait until my children are grown and hope they don t make any major mistakes before I decide to pursue my career again.

I thought women in this country were starting to gain some equality. I hope we will prove Ms. Harrop wrong by electing our first female vice president this fall.

Trisha Truman


Neither John McCain or Barack Obama has the qualification needed to be president of the United States in and of himself.

Both candidates will require the wisdom of their personal advisers and a united Congress to guide them, and an accurate understanding that needless war is not the repertoire of a wise and noble nation and self-destruction of the human race is not the legacy of a wise and noble leader but the destiny of fools.

Mary Price


Not shame but high praise to The Blade for its front-page picture Sept 4. Gov. Sarah Palin sticking her tongue out depicts what she thinks of the majority of middle-class Americans.


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