COSI vote creates new partnership


I'm honored to have worked side by side with so many people in Lucas County who share a genuine passion for COSI.

Heartfelt thanks to each of you for your time, your talents, and your commitment, and to all the voters for their trust. The success belongs to all of you.

Together, our residents, businesses, elected officials, labor leaders, educators, and community leaders have formed a true partnership. Together, we've taken strides to provide for kids by teaching them the wonders of science, mathematics, and technology in a hands-on environment. We've helped our region's job outlook by preparing a work force with the skills a technology-based economy needs. We are looking to our future by stimulating a climate favorable to economic development.

More details about the future of our science center will be announced soon. We will not take the positive results of this election lightly. We understand the voters have placed their faith in us and it is up to us to repay that trust.

Thanks for helping to revive COSI as a sustainable, beneficial partnership among all stakeholders in our community.

Lori Hauser

COSI Director of Operations

On behalf of Lucas County Children Services, thank you for showing your continuing support for the safety and well-being of the children of our county.

Voter approval of Issue 38 will allow LCCS employees to investigate reports of abused and neglected children and to take steps to protect them. Last year, we touched the lives of 11,000 local children, more than 2,300 of whom were victims of abuse. With this show of support, we will continue to act on their behalf, protect them, and provide them with hope for the future.

Your "yes" vote is all the more meaningful given our community's difficult economic conditions. Please be assured that LCCS will continue to use your tax dollars responsibly. Our mandate requires the dedicated work of highly qualified caseworkers, supervisors, administrators, and support staff, and the funds generated by this levy will allow us to maintain our staff levels and pay for critical services to children and families.

Again, thank you to Lucas County residents for supporting Issue 38.

Dean M. Sparks

LCCS Executive Director

The Big Three auto companies could bail themselves out.

They could sell all of their autos for the next 45 days at 55 percent off. That would clear out their dealerships and storage lots. The trickledown effect to other industries would be immense.

Homeowners also could sell their used cars to the less fortunate for a very small price, etc.


117th Street