Recall effort members are civic leaders


"These individuals, almost all of whom live in the suburbs of Toledo, and in recent years haven't lifted a finger to better Toledo, should be ashamed of themselves," Carty writes.

Born, raised, and currently living in Toledo, this is about the most absurd and ignorant thing our egotistical dictator could say. Every single one of us have personally invested and financially risked everything we have by building businesses and employing Toledoans. I cannot think of one dollar that Carty has spent of his own money to create a job for someone else. He knows how to spend my money and my Toledo neighbor's money to create and foster political patronage and nepotism, all while furthering his role as a power puppet master.

There are many of us who know how and can create jobs. We need to cultivate an environment that promotes employment. It is the private sector's responsibility to create jobs. It is the role of government to nurture an environment for the private sector to invest in, not compete or struggle with. Neither "strong mayor" successfully performed that function. We will encourage those individuals to run who will be pro-business, thus pro-employment, returning Toledo to a successful and vibrant city.

Additionally, everyone involved with "Take Back Toledo" has donated thousands of unpaid hours serving in various capacities for local agencies, churches, charities, and institutions.

Mr. Finkbeiner should be ashamed of blatantly insulting some of Toledo's greatest civic leaders who have committed their lives, their liberties, and their fortunes to better Toledo.

Edwin J. Nagle III


I was shocked to read the recent article about injured Clay High School hockey player Kyle Cannon. But, I am sorry to say, I was not surprised. I have been around hockey as a player, parent, and coach for more than 40 years. There is no more cowardly check than an intentional hit from behind. Yes, there are times that it is accidental, and sometimes the receiving player may turn away, but the the hit on Kyle sounds like intent.

This is not new to the sport; the problem has been around for about 20 years. I watched my oldest son get hit from behind in a 1991 tournament in Detroit. He, too, was 14 at the time. He lay unconscious on the ice for about two minutes, got up with assistance, spent some time on the bench, and finished the game. He was lucky. And he still plays.

The hit on my son was, without question, intentional. He was working for the puck, head down, about two to three feet of the boards.

The opposing Fraser, Mich., player proudly took his two-minute penalty. It could also have been a charging call.

It's my opinion that the first person responsible is the coach, for allowing one of his players to carry out an illegal check. I think the referees may also share responsibility; some (not all) do not enforce the rules. But until the leagues start doing something about it, others are going to be injured because of hitting from behind. And possibly worse.

Good luck, Kyle.

Fred Shortts


"Black Friday" - the day is well named. Amazing, humans stampeding for stuff and junk, not even essential things as food or water. The United States gets more notorious for its actions. Now, stomping people to death to get into a store.

This was not a great day for us. I think our Father in Heaven just may have a few tears in His eyes.

Lynne W. Alcock


And so it continues: The brutal and savage killings of innocent, defenseless working citizens.

One of the latest? A man on his way to work in the very early morning was murdered.

This is becoming all too common, but there are means to alleviate the number of victims and at the same time eliminate or at least incapacitate the muggers, rapists, and murderers.

People trained and legally able to carry a weapon should be armed and fully prepared to protect their loved ones, themselves, and any other potential victim.

You're only fooling yourself if you believe you're not in jeopardy every time you leave the relative safety of your home.

Be especially cautious and watchful during the holidays. The parasites are there and they're always looking for victims.

Bob Dietrich


The headline on the front page of The Blade on Black Friday from the wire service read: "Troops in India battle militants - death toll up to 119 in financial center." The story then reported that a well-organized group of about 25 "attackers" killed policemen, Indians, and foreign tourists "caught in random gunfire," although the "main target appeared to be Americans, Britons, and Jews." The story consistently refers to the criminals who are responsible for these murders throughout the story as "militants."

Contrast this with the Associated Press story on Page 4 of the same issue of The Blade: "At least three Americans were injured in a series of terrorist attacks in India "

A "militant" is defined as someone who aggressively supports a cause or one having a combative character. It is only slightly pejorative and does not emphasize the object of the criminal conduct that is manifest in the obscene violence in Mumbai.

These acts were obviously designed to cause terror and the 25 "attackers" should more properly be deemed "terrorists." Why did The Blade's news service adopt such vanilla verbiage in its approach to this story? Is this related to the fact that these acts occurred in India, rather than Indiana?

Words matter.

David J. Rohrbacher


To those who would stand by and watch the American auto industry fade into oblivion:

The American auto industry is a generational institution. Grandfathers, sons, and grandsons often spend their careers working in the same factory, using the money they earn to buy what they build, feed their families, and ensure a debt-free retirement.

Also, not all workers tied to the industry are well paid. Suppliers can have razor-thin profit margins, and what they pay sometimes amounts to little more than minimum wage. Members of the United Auto Workers are not wealthy and most live in middle-class neighborhoods watching budgets and clipping coupons.

It's been said that we all warm our hands over a fire someone else built. Anyone who believes that they have not benefitted from the American auto industry simply needs to consider that the wars bravely fought by our American military were prosecuted with Jeeps made in Toledo, tanks made in Lima, and trucks made in Detroit.

To believe that the American auto industry is broken beyond repair requires a myopia that can only be found in Washington. Maybe American vehicles have not always been the best product at the best time, but quality is on the upswing and the industry is moving in the right direction. It is perfectly acceptable for Congress to be critical of the industry. However, it is being hypocritical.

The members of Congress who criticize and make demands of the auto industry are the same ones who will never suffer a pay cut or worry about health care or the security of their pensions, no matter how deeply in debt our country is or how great the burden on taxpayers.

I cannot imagine our country without the American auto industry, nor do I want to.

Michael Kosakowski

Thousand Oaks Drive

Would someone at The Blade please ask my delivery person to put my newspaper in one of those orange plastic bags until Roberta de Boer stops slobbering over Barack Obama? Thanks.

Judi Carnes
