Point Place doesn't want boat launch


I read the response from the city's commissioner of engineering services with interest. I have lived in the Point Place/Shoreland area most of my life and I, too, am opposed to this small-craft launch, as are many who reside in this area.

First, I am not sure why the previous letter writer's property location was addressed. This statement is pure conjecture, and quite honestly sounds a little like sour grapes. Second, I attended the two public meetings regarding the small-craft launch and never heard anything about a bike and walking path. In fact, I don't remember this individual's attendance at the meetings. I'm also a little confused about whether or not the bike path will have to be removed. First he says it won't and then says maybe some will have to be torn out.

I am aware of the grant from the state of Ohio. The amount awarded was not the entire amount applied for and, really, what difference does it make where the tax dollars come from? They're still taxpayer dollars. In addition, where are the extra monies going to come from?

The commissioner states the existing boat launch is in Michigan and that there are fees involved. This is not true; this launch is right up the street, in the state of Ohio. And there is no cost, which should satisfy the provision of small-craft boating opportunities at no cost.

Debbie Bennett

104th Street

There are two recent events that indicate that the nation is in for more financial trouble than dire headlines would indicate.

First, President Barack Obama nominated and the Senate confirmed Tim Geithner as Treasury secretary. Mr. Obama pushed Mr. Geithner's nomination in spite of the fact that Mr. Geithner either cheated on his taxes or was ignorant that millions of American independent contractors must pay self-employment taxes.

Under former President George W. Bush's TARP, the Treasury secretary is doling out hundreds of billions of dollars with little or no accountability. Thus, we need a Treasury secretary who is honest and highly competent. Yet, President Obama has given us one who was either ignorant, lazy, or dishonest.

Second, Congress is about to pass a "stimulus" package costing nearly a trillion dollars. This bill is full of pork for special-interest groups. Further, much of the spending will not be released this year. This wasteful spending comes just as Baby Boomers are retiring, further stressing federal budgets.

It is likely that we will pay for the excesses of former President Bush, the current Congress, and President Obama for generations.

Douglas Oliver

Shakespeare Lane

I read in The Blade's Pages of Opinion where some people agree with the editorial "Years of Shame," which states the record of former President George W. Bush.

Sadly, these people, and The Blade too, have failed to heed one of the great lessons of history; that is, never to comment, positively or negatively, on a big event in history until three to five years have passed.

Thus they have fallen into the trap that Sen. Harry Reid fell into when he publicly stated, "The war in Iraq is lost."

Mark Cousino

Harvest Lane

The biggest laugh of the day came not from the comic pages of The Blade but from Marilou Johanek's Jan. 23 column.

Your columnist has written hateful and vile words to insult and disparage former President George W. Bush.

Now she implores us all to unite behind her hero: "Engaging in obstinate partisanship - the juvenile games of political posturing, name-calling and one upmanship .•.•. is a luxury the country can't afford."

That is exactly what Ms. Johanek has done for the past eight years. Her scribblings have shown the greatest disrespect for President Bush.

Now she wants us to keep silent as the new President tests the waters. Well, maybe an Amen now and then. One can only wonder if she reads her own words.

Jean R. Holmes


I, like many people, was inspired by the recent historic election. To think that an African-American candidate with the middle name Hussein could win the highest office in the land made me proud for my country and its voters.

This pride, however, was tempered as I watched state after state pass laws banning gay marriage. How could we make such a great leap forward and then allow ourselves to slide so far back?

I understand that this is a difficult time for our country, but we must not allow this issue - not a gay rights issue, but a human rights issue - to be lost in the shuffle.

We must display the courage to push this issue to the forefront while we have a favorable Congress and President.

The first step is to finally give the American people something to vote yes to, rather than having to defend ourselves against attacks phrased in such euphemistic language as "The Defense of Family Act."

Specifically, I ask that every time there is a bill or ballot measure proposed which would limit the rights of the gay community, that there be a counter measure to ensure those very rights. What I ask is that we are all allowed to be for the rights of U.S. citizens, instead of being against family values.

Understand that Congress can only do so much, and that citizen initiatives must also be a piece to this puzzle. We must be willing to do the work of organizing and mobilizing.

We who believe in the equality of all people won an astounding victory in the past year.

Let us not waste this opportunity but continue to do the work of securing basic human rights for all U.S. citizens.

Joseph Koelsch


I certainly applaud Governor Strickland's actions towards improving the education arena. His proposals have merit, but there is one overlooked area that needs immediate attention.

The problem is that both boys and girls, from kindergarten on, are taught with the same methods, the same materials, and are expected to achieve the same results.

In the early primary grades (and this is where patterns are set), the girl is about a year or more ahead of the boy's development. Neither schools nor national testing consider that the female's early development outpaces the male's.

One result of a boy's failure to keep up with girls in early school years is his inability to sit still, with his hyperactivity leading to behavior problems. These disruptive incidents can eventually derail a boy from building self-confidence, the essential ingredient in creating an enthusiastic learner.

I am willing to hypothesize that more males have behavior problems, are school drop-outs, and are in prison because of these early growth and developmental factors.

New educational strategies need to be developed to capitalize on how boys learn and to equalize growth and developmental factors related to the gender gap.

Partial solutions to this problem could be starting males later in school, some single-sex classes, single-sex schools for a time period, or continued public and private schools with mixed classes.

However, none of the above will solve the problem without developing "educational strategies" that relate to how boys or girls learn best.

Donald Neal Thurber

LaSalle, Mich.

If there is anyone out there who believes that former Sen. Tom Daschle made an honest mistake in not paying more than $140,000 in taxes owed, I think he would be more than happy to sell you a nice little bridge in South Dakota.

This is just indicative of the arrogance of our elected representatives.

Now it s time for a real change. See you at the polls.

Roger Puppos

Grandview Court