Don't trade pollution for a few jobs


In response to the contractor who favors the coke plant: I'm not surprised to hear that you want to construct a coke plant in Oregon because it will help Ohio with jobs. I'm also not surprised to see that you live in Sylvania instead of next door to the potential building site.

As a member of the Sierra Club, I have to say that building this plant is seen as a positive only by the people who will benefit from its construction. Wildlife will be moved further into backyards and the people who actually live near it will suffer many health issues for years to come.

We need jobs in Ohio, but to narrow your mind to damaging everything around you for a few people to work, isn't that a bit selfish? You sound like you would agree to a war if it would put people to work.

We're green in Ohio now. Maybe you should consider building something to help our environment and the people who live here.

Kelly Carrillo

Butler Street

I don't understand what the fuss is about regarding the red-light cameras. I say bring them on and install as many as they want.

It is a win-win situation. The public wins due to the fact that incidents of running red lights are reduced by at least 20 percent, making that intersection safer. The city wins with more income without expending manpower to write tickets.

Bottom line is that if people don't run red lights, they don't have anything to worry about.

Walt Breier


Are Toledoans really still talking about David Letterman's crude jokes when the Toledo Police Department has just rehired Daniel Brandon, an officer who repeatedly harassed and threatened to rape a 23-year-old convenience store clerk?

This is an officer who pleaded no contest and was found guilty of conduct unbecoming of an officer, abuse of authority in dealing with the public, and conduct subversive to the good order and discipline of the department. This is an officer who makes $62,000 a year in a department that is laying off officers who have done no wrong.

Sergeant Brandon is back on the beat but Toledoans are talking about Mr. Letterman and Sarah Palin. If Toledoans care so much about women and the sexism and abuses of power they endure, they should get their priorities in order.

Danielle Davis


The reinstatement of Toledo police Sgt. Daniel Brandon, despite his having been caught on tape making threatening comments to a woman who was merely doing her job, begs the question: Where do they find these guys?"

Not only was his behavior criminal, the judgment of the arbitrator in reinstating him demonstrates a callous disregard for the well-being of all the women of Toledo.

Police officers are given a great deal of authority and responsibility, as is necessary for them to execute their mission to "protect and serve."

There can be no place in the police department for individuals who abuse that authority as Sergeant Brandon did.

Similarly, arbitrators are called upon to use the best judgment possible in assuring that the rules are followed in disputes between union and management. The person who made the decision to reinstate Sergeant Brandon has demonstrated not only a profound lack of judgment but an astounding disregard for the rules we all must follow and by which police officers in particular must abide.

The threat of rape is an attack in itself, even if it is not followed by action. When the person making the threat wears a police uniform and carries a loaded gun, that threat is increased dramatically.

Again, there can be no place on the Toledo police force for anyone who doesn't understand that. And the arbitrator who also doesn't understand this needs to be fired as well.

Anita Rios, President

Toledo chapter

National Organization

of Women