Critique of teachers is misplaced


In response to the writer who criticized bonus checks received by some Toledo Public Schools teachers for achieving their personal and school goals as measured by student performance standardized tests: I am not a teacher, and I did not receive this grant-funded bonus check; however, I am an individual who is cognizant of the fact that many employees in the private and public sector often receive bonuses for reaching their yearly goals. Aren't they also doing their jobs?

The meager bonuses received by teachers pale in comparison to those in the corporate world by tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Apparently, the writer doesn't believe educators are worthy of a few extra dollars to supplement their moderate wages, and she finds it more palatable to reserve that entitlement to those in business and industry who ultimately pass along that cost to the consumer.

I am not hearing her squawk about her health-care costs or the price of a 12-pack of Pepsi, but then again, maybe she doesn't have friends or relatives who work in these industries who flash their bonus checks around each year like badges of honor, and perhaps she doesn't read the newspaper as thoroughly as I do when the salaries and compensation packages of business people are reported.

Susan Hanna


I read with considerable interest the stories about the proposed closing of the South Toledo YMCA. I was reminded of the problems that plagued the Toledo Zoo a few years ago. I also remembered the issues at the Lucas County Port Authority and the difficulties experienced at the Lucas County Improvement Corporation. There is a litany of abuses by appointed officials in charge of quasi-public organizations in our area. Graft, greed, nepotism, sex, lies, and corruption seem to be the norm. You have to ask yourself why?

The answer is simple. The boards of directors are responsible. It's their job to oversee the management of these agencies but, in fact, many of them have no idea of what's going on and could care less. They are given their positions as a result of their donations or in return for political favors. It gets them invitations to golf outings and parties so they can get their pictures in The Blade's society page. If these people did their job, we wouldn't have these problems.

Maybe it's time for the county commissioners to create a paid, independent board to audit and regulate these agencies so that our tax dollars will be protected. We'll save a lot of money in the end.

William Poznanski

Melvin Drive

I would like to take issue with the letter writer who complained about the behavior of a few Ohio State fans at the Toledo-OSU football game in Cleveland.

The OSU fans I sat next to were very well behaved. Not once did they say anything terrible to me, my wife, or friends about the Rockets, nor did they display any abusive behavior. When I cheered for Toledo, they did not ridicule me. I even had friendly conversation with them about the Buckeyes and Rockets throughout the game. Same for my wife.

We had to park almost a mile from the stadium. We did not get heckled or jeered by Buckeye fans when we were walking to or from the stadium.

I'm a Toledo fan, and I also cheer for Ohio State's teams. Don't trash all the Buckeye fans because you ran into a few bad ones. The vast majority of OSU fans are good ones.

James Matuszak

Hudson Street

The Catholic church is calling in vitro fertilization unacceptable? This is just one of many unenlightened decisions the church has made over the years and, of course, I dropped out a long time ago.

Barbara Rochelle

Sylvania Township