Many share blame for dog's death


The article in the Dec. 10 edition of The Blade on Bear, the purebred chow that was put down by the Lucas County dog warden, really caught my eye.

We stopped breeding English bulldogs nine years ago because it was too hard to find good, honest people to place the pet-quality puppies with.

Our agreement on placing a pup was that the pup or grown dog was to be returned to us or we would help find a good home for it if the owner could not keep it. If the Roose family paid $600 for Bear, there should have been a similar agreement with the breeder.

During the 30 years we showed our bulldogs at AKC shows, two different judges squeezed the genitals of the dog we were showing and the dogs were frightened from then on. Was Bear accustomed to a crate (cage) in kennels? Someone should squeeze Mr. Skeldon's genitals and put him in a cage and see how his temperament changes. I would gladly do it.

Check the classified ads and take notice of the different purebreds that are bred with a different breed. People are actually paying high prices for "curbsetters." This is unbelievable to those of us who really care.

Too many people breed dogs just for the money and don't really care what becomes of the pup. So sad.

SiS KRouse

Montpelier, Ohio

The United States of America might never have existed without one thing: the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights limits the power of the government and protects the rights of the people. It was so important that several of the original 13 states would not ratify the Constitution without it.

Nearly everything that makes an American proud to be one comes from the Bill of Rights. Freedoms to speak, print, read, assemble, pray, petition the government, and keep and bear arms. Protection from unreasonable arrests and searches, excessive bail, double jeopardy, coerced confessions, cruel and unusual punishment. Rights to due process, jury trials, legal counsel, and to present defense witnesses.

These are the freedoms and rights that define America.

Surprisingly, Americans do not celebrate this foundation of our political freedom. After all, the Bill of Rights is part of our Constitution, it is what our military people pledge to serve and die for. It is uniquely American.

People on the political left, center, and right can all rally around the Bill of Rights because it expresses our shared basic values.

On this date in 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified and has since protected American citizens for 218 years. We should celebrate Dec. 15 every year. By officially designating it as Bill of Rights Day, we would be reminding our fellow citizens and younger generations of our heritage.

The special day also would annually remind politicians, bureaucrats, prosecutors, and judges that their authority and power are limited, that the government serves us Americans, it does not rule us.

Dec. 15 reminds us of the liberty we have and what it costs to keep it.

Rebecca Zaun


I totally agree with the Dec. 8 guest editorial from the Chicago Tribune. It was argued that we should raise taxes to pay for the war on terror. If we really support our troops, we should all be prepared to make sacrifices.

The war on terror has been a war without cost to 98 percent of the American public. The financial cost is being charged and the bill will come due to our children and our grandchildren.

The ones who are now paying the horrendous cost of this war are the military families. Over and over and over again, we require our finest and bravest to return to fight the battles. The mental, physical, and emotional stresses placed on these men and women and their families are more than most of us could bear.

As a matter of fact, they are too much for many of them to stand and they wind up physically and emotional wounded. Others commit suicide rather than face the battle again.

If we are going to have a troop surge in Afghanistan, we should be willing to support the effort not only by raising taxes but by instituting a "no-exemptions" draft to relieve the stress on these families.

I am the parent of three draft-age children and would hate to see them forced to military service. However, if we are agreed that this is the right thing to do, then let's do it and share the costs. If not, let's get out.

The one thing I know is not right is to establish policies that require sacrifices by others while refusing to accept any discomfort ourselves as a result of those policies.

Supporting our troops is more than waving a flag or putting a magnet on your car.

Richard Schultz

Monclova Township

In regard to the dispute at St. Paul's Church in Maumee over gay clergy: It is good to see the Rev. Roger Miller draw a line in the sand. Here is hoping the church stands along beside him.

Peggy Kuhnle


In 2007, 3.4 million Medicare recipients fell into the "doughnut hole," making them responsible for covering their prescription drug costs, but also requiring them to pay their Medicare Part D premiums.

Nearly 20 percent of Medicare recipients delayed or did not fill a medical prescription because costs were too high. And Medicare Part D coverage gaps are a big part of the problem.

Now, senators will be deciding whether to close the hole and any health-reform package that does not fix such a glaring problem would simply leave millions of older Americans behind.

The doughnut hole should be closed.

Richard Braddock


T.R. Reid noted in his book The Healing of America that 20,000 Americans die each year because they lack health care.

When 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11, we went to war and are still at war eight years later to hold those accountable (or who we wanted to be accountable) for those deaths. We have spent billions and sacrificed more American lives than we lost on 9/11, not to mention the injured service people and the deaths we have caused in Iraq and Afghanistan.

My questions are: Who should we hold accountable for these 20,000 avoidable deaths? Should it be the health-insurance industry, or the Congress that enabled them, or both?

Or should we not bother with accountability and simply reward the for-profit health insurance industry with 45 million new customers?

Sandra Frank

Scottwood Avenue

After spending the last several months observing how much attention and press the dog warden has received and the public outcry for change in our community in regard to the treatment of dogs, I can't help but wonder what would happen if this much attention was paid to the children in this community who are abused and neglected.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the effort to improve the plight of a dog were put forth to educate the community and improve the lives of the children living in our community and who are ultimately our future?


Scottwood Avenue

Editor's note: The writer is a social worker.