Lower number of city, TPS workers


Mayor Bell is doing a credible job of trying to solve the city's financial problems. During the past 50 years that I have lived in this area, the population has steadily decreased, yet I would bet that the number of employees has increased. The solution is to reduce the number of employees to the same percentage decrease that we have had in population.

The same holds true with Toledo Public Schools. The drop in the number of TPS students mirrors the city's declining population. Has TPS reduced overall employment in accordance with the student population? I would bet not.

Elected leaders have chosen to protect groups that backed them politically and financially, to the detriment of the rest of the community.

Mr. Bell seems to be on the right track. With no money, personnel cuts that should have been done over the past 50 years will have to be done in a short time.

As for the entertainment venues that are complaining about the small tax addition, they must be saying that they will never raise admission prices or other fees because it would be detrimental to their business.

Let's see how they explain the next ticket price increase, or do they think no one will remember?

Joe Fernandez
