Politicizing justice aids nobody


The effort by Karen Krause, the social justice chair of the Jobs with Justice Coalition, to talk Sunoco out of hiring out-of-state workers was out of line. She has no business entering into this issue ("Out-of-state hiring at Sunoco draws protest," March 13).

A general definition of social justice is the fair administration of lawsto all people, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, race, and religion. All people deserve to be treated fairly and without prejudice.

Social justice does not obligate anyone, morally or ethically, to hire local or organized labor.The only issues Ms. Krause should be concerned withare ensuring that temporary workers are treated fairly and offered a safe environment to be employed in.

Politicizing social justice to benefit a select group does extreme disservice to the respect and dignity everyone is entitled to.

Edwin J. Nagle III

President, CEO

Nagle Companies


You could add St. Stephen's Catholic Church to your Irish-inspired tour ("It's a fine time for an Irish tour of Toledo," March 17).

In the 17th century, Bishop Walter Lynch fled Ireland when the British were persecuting Catholics. He carried with him a painting of the Virgin and Child.

He eventually found sanctuary in Hungary with Bishop John Pusky of Gyor. After Bishop Lynch's death, the painting became the possession of the Cathedral of Gyor.

Bishop Joseph Schrembs, the first bishop of Toledo, visited Gyor in 1913.After hearing about the painting, he obtained a copy and donated The Irish Madonna to St. Stephen's Church when the church was built in 1914 in Toledo.

Yolanda Danyi Szuch


Editor's Note: The writer is author of The History of St. Stephen's Church.

Library Village residents have received our trash and recycling containers. Now Mayor Mike Bell wants to charge us $15 a month for trash collection whether or not we recycle ("Mayor's plea to council fails to gain budget vote," March 17).

Please get this ugly blue can off my property. It is only going to take up space on my overtaxed 4,000-square-foot piece of the American dream.

While you're at it, bring a chain saw and remove the city-owned tree that's making the sidewalk dangerous. I've only been complaining about it for 12 years.

Joseph R. Wise

Parrakeet Avenue

The City of Toledo is deep in debt, and Mayor Bell has decided to lease, for $1 a year, a special grassy area of Ottawa Park to rich dog owners in Toledo and the suburbs ("Board opposes dog park idea," March 5).

Because dog owners are willing to pay to use the area, it is a great place for people who have little money to use for fun.

Kathryn Marion

Cheltenham Road

I was pleased to see faces attached to the positions of privilege in your article about Lucas County appraisals ("Clock winds down on appraisal group," March 14).

Privileged and overpaid positions granted to family members and friends are not earned but owned. Acknowledgment and praise to Sheriff James Telb. I agree with his goal of phasing out private vendors and using all deputies.

Craig Killy


How about balancing the city budget by eliminating unnecessary perks?

Money could be saved by eliminating car-insurance, repair, and gas mileage reimbursement.Those receiving these perks can either live without them or pay for them out of their own pocket.

Times are hard and administrators have to look at making sacrifices in all areas - starting at the top.

Lynne Paren

Sweetbriar Court

If the "I don't want to face reality" Toledo City Council had made hard decisions during the past administration, maybe Toledo would not be in the situation it is.

Ken Borowicz


My husband teaches elementary art in Toledo Public Schools. He puts classroom subjects in hands-on projects to get students more interested and involved in the learning process.

For that, he gets $3.50 per student per year.

Some cuts are in order at TPS. But eliminating elementary art, music, and physical education teachers won't matter to a great many parents who have no idea what goes on at school, don't care, and are not involved in any way.

Cindy Luce


I agree that Toledo Public Schools teachers and other employees need to show the public that they are willing to help balance the budget ("Step up, TPS employees," editorial, March 14).

However, I do not agree that taxes should be increased to pay for a problem taxpayers did not cause.

I don't think I should have to pay for schools to have sports. If you can't afford it, do what I do: Get rid of it.

The public would be convinced if TPS employees took a five-year cut in payand tried living on less than $30,000 a year, as most citizens do. Give up health care for a few years and donate the money to balancing the budget.

Kelly Carrillo

Butler Street

I love my job, but I didn't become a teacher for the salary or the benefits. Teaching is a vocation. I know mistakes have been made by those fiscally responsible for the Toledo Public Schools' budget, but we did not cause these problems.

We have made sacrifices, as we continue to teach amid plummeting community support and negative news reports. More than ever, TPS teachers and students need the community's support.

Ashlie G. Dempsey


When my U.S. Census form arrived, I was horrified to see that almost half of it is devoted to a list of options involving race and ethnicity.

While a sample ofrespondents will be asked for more detailed information, shouldn't all of us provide data on employment, education, health coverage, and other issues vital to creating sound public policies?

I will define my race as human, a term more appropriate to a globalized and, I hope, post-racial era. I will not be forced into the categories that inform the Census Bureau.

Richard F. Weisfelder

Swan Creek Drive

There is only one way to get the change that everyone seems to want from our representatives in Washington: Don't vote for anyone now in office in 2010 and 2012. That will send a message.

Also, make new congressmen read the Constitution, so they understand their job.

Dave Denman

Elmhurst Road