Backwards to close academy


Because the Toledo Technology Academy is a success story, I am a parent who is stunned to see it possibly will be closed to help the Toledo Board of Education close its budget deficit (“Top-rated technology school on list of cuts,” March 15).

The school was among bronze medal winners for being in the top 15 percent of schools in the nation from U.S. News & World Report in 2008. The school has had a state ranking of excellence for the past six years. It was designated a school of promise by the state superintendent of education.

In the past five years, 100 percent of academy graduates have gone to college, apprenticeship programs, or the military. Numerous businesses have contributed millions of dollars to our school.

The district will lose revenue if it closes this school, where there is a highly motivated staff and an advanced curriculum that students are dedicated to.

I beg the Board of Education not to go backwards by closing this school. This crown jewel deserves to continue its fine work with our deserving students.

Sharon Lynch

Rushland Avenue

Elementary art teachers enhance student skills in math, science, and language arts, while encouraging them to imagine and create. Enrichment of a child's imagination may not be tested, but is needed for the future.

The arts help to develop the whole brain and the whole child. Public schools are a reflection of society. I hope Toledo Public Schools continues to provide excellent arts education and a basis for a cultured society.

Katherine genzmaN Lambertville, Mich.

About 15 percent of schoolchildren have a chronic condition, often bringing with them nebulizers, insulin pumps, ventilators, catheters, monitors, wheelchairs, feeding tubes, and medications.

In response, health services provided by the school nurse have become more extensive and more specialized, with increased responsibilities and expectations.

Toledo Public Schools had more than a quarter-million nurse visits in 2008-2009, including encounters for asthma, diabetes, injuries, and seizures. In the absence of a school nurse, any of these emergencies might have resulted in a potentially tragic outcome.

TPS is facing an economic crisis and cost-saving measures are needed. School nurses, however, should not be on the chopping block.

Francis J. Rogalski, M.D.

Meijer Drive

Thank you for informing the public about the Ballet Theater of Toledo's production by Nigel Burgoine and the astounding original music by the Sono Novo chamber orchestra of Wayne Anthony. (“Don't miss Strauss' sultry ‘Salome,' ” March 15).

Hats off to The Blade's coverage of an amazing afternoon and what was offered to the full house at the beautiful Trinity Episcopal Church downtown.

Marina Joy

Ottawa Hills

I propose the following to solve Toledo's budget problems: Each month, pay all vendors and service providers in full. Cut pension contributions in half.

With what's left, pay everyone a reduced wage based on the percentage of funds available. Add deferred wages to the payroll stub, to be reimbursed when income recovers.

You'll pay more income tax in the future, but no one will be laid off.

Arthur P. Sussman

Bancroft Street

A vote is coming up in Washington on whether to block the artificial waterway flowing from Chicago to the Mississippi River. It was dug to help Chicago get rid of its sewage, but it became a means of moving commercial barges between the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico.

Economically, that can be justified. But environmentally, it will be a disaster if our government doesn't vote to close this waterway. Asian carp, a repugnant, nonnative fish that grows to enormous size compared to native fish and is aggressive when disturbed, is on the verge of migrating up that canal and entering Lake Michigan.

That of course, means, eventually the entire Great Lakes.

Once this happens, it's for eternity. We will probably be able to draw water out of the Great Lakes. Freighters probably will be able to travel from Buffalo to Duluth or Chicago. But we will not want to share the water with these disgusting fish.

The decision will also affect our friends in Canada, where half of the residents of Ontario and Quebec depend on the Great Lakes for their livelihood. A good share of our crude oil comes from Canada.

The commercial traffic that uses the Chicago sewage canal can find other means. If blocking this canal proves to be a mistake, it can be reopened.

But if these carp get a foothold in the Great Lakes, it's forever.

James B. Chamberlin

Mapleway Drive

To all politicians, start doing the bidding of the biggest special-interest group, “we the people,” instead of groups that finance your campaigns and line your pockets. We can no longer tolerate your deaf ears and reckless spending.

“We the people” hold your fate in our hands.

Ken Roberts

Suzanne Drive

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan refuses to accept his responsibility for this country's economic demise.

With former President George W. Bush blowing in his ear, Mr. Greenspan kept interest rates low, which induced people to buy more real estate than they could afford.

Melvin F. Lane


When NATO forces in Afghanistan mistakenly kill 27 civilians, why is it is an “accident” (“U.S. airstrike kills dozens of civilians, imperils goodwill,” Feb. 23)? However, when Israeli forces experience a similar mishap, it is a “massacre” and a “war crime.”

Is there going to be a report on NATO operations in Afghanistan?

If Gen. David Petraeus travels to Great Britain, does he risk arrest as a war criminal?

There are going to be a lot more civilian casualties in Afghanistan and along Israel’s frontiers. The enemy in both cases deliberately hides behind civilians, which is in blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions. Hamas, Hez bollah, al-Qaeda, and the Taliban are responsible for these civilian deaths in most cases, and are the real war criminals.

Thanks to the phony uproar over Israel’s apparent assassination of a Hamas terrorist commander, it will be that much harder for us to target terrorists with our own clandestine services.

How many people are na ve enough to believe that Israel’s alleged use of phony passports is unique?

Why is no one decrying the fact that Dubai was providing sanctuary for murderous thugs?

So, world media, keep beating up on Israel. It makes it easier for terrorists to operate unimpeded.

They no doubt thank you for contributing to their war efforts.

Rob Vincent
