Add Libbey to name of Bowsher


It might make the closing of Libbey High School a little more palatable if the name of Bowsher High School was changed to Bowsher-Libbey High School ("Libbey students fear loss of 'family' in school closing," June 3)? That way, Libbey's legacy could continue for many years.

Bowsher High School only recently moved into a new building at the corner of Detroit and Arlington avenues, giving a fresh start to the students at Bowsher. It is not too late to add the Libbey name.

This wouldn't be the first time a high school in Toledo has used a hyphenated name. Remember Macomber-Whitney High School?

As a graduate of Start High School in the 1970s, I would have had no problem joining forces with the alumni of DeVilbiss High School when the doors of that school closed in 1991.

I just hate to see the Libbey Cowboys (and girls) gallop off into the sunset.

Thomas E. Bedell

Georgetown Avenue

As a graduate of Bowsher High School, I was disappointed that Toledo Public Schools' income tax levy was voted down ("TPS income tax loses," May 5).

Teachers are not to blame for the deficit. They have taken concessions time after time.

Issue 3 failed because of the negative image that The Blade and other media paint of TPS.

You asked voters to turn down the levy even though TPS announced that sports and many other programs were on the chopping block if it failed.

But in your May 30 editorial "Playing games," you said: "It would be a shame if Toledo Public Schools' budget problems, reflected in proposed cuts to its interscholastic sports programs, were to isolate its student-athletes from their peers in other schools and districts."

You can't have it both ways. TPS warned this would happen if the levy failed. I hope The Blade is proud of what it helped accomplish.

Scott McGorty

Beecham Street

The Toledo Farmers Market would like to thank the more than 50,000 people who celebrated Flower Day with us last weekend, as well as the businesses and residents of the Warehouse District for being such gracious hosts.

Unfortunately, a few patrons had their experience marred when their vehicles were towed from a vacant lot on the corner of Market and Erie streets.

On Sunday, as vehicles were being towed from the lot, Toledo police were called in to assist. They determined that the owner of the lot didn't have the right to tow the vehicles because the property lacked required signs. Police then ordered the towing company to return any vehicles it had towed.

Unfortunately, we were not aware that vehicles had also been towed from the lot on Saturday. If you were towed on Saturday, please contact the property owner to be reimbursed.

I hope the owner of the vacant lot will either improve the property, turn it into a legitimate paid parking lot, or erect the proper signs to prevent this from happening again.

Dan Madigan


Toledo Farmers Market

Mayor Mike Bell wants to hire a consultant for $60,000 (who, coincidentally, worked on his campaign) to advise the city how to save money ("Councilmen question need to hire Bell backer," June 3).

Whatever happened to putting jobs out for bid, then taking the low bid? Isn't that what city government is supposed to do?

Better yet, take bids to run the city in its entirety. That way, the city could eliminate jobs, starting at the top for a change. Then we wouldn't have to worry about "double-dipping."

Keith Sims


Mayor Bell wants to hire a consultant to tell us how to save money. Isn't that the job of elected officials who are paid out of our tax dollars already?

Instead of placing Band-Aids on bullet holes, why aren't they addressing why we have this shortfall in revenue and what we need to do to fix it?

You can't tax the city into prosperity - which seems to be the mayor's answer for everything - then throw a $60,000 job to a crony.

Anthony Czerniakowski

Harvest Lane

After voting for more than 30 years at the same precinct, I went to vote in the May primary. When I arrived, I was informed that I could not vote because I wasn't on the register.

I have called the Lucas County Board of Elections and Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner's office, trying to find out why my name was taken off. I am still waiting for an answer.

Anyone could be eliminated from the voting list.

Evelyn J. Nowak


Unlike in the private sector, once a public employee retires, his employer makes no further contributions to that person's retirement. So why was it considered a good thing when former Mayor Carty Finkbeiner hired Don Saunders, a retired Toledo Edison executive, to be the city's finance director?

A greater burden on Toledo is caused by the former directors and executive staff who retire and then get lucrative jobs with the consulting firms they gave contracts to before their retirement.

Robert Johnson

Imperial Boulevard

Here the Sylvania school district goes again, raising taxes on homeowners ("Sylvania levy request likely," May 29). How about exempting people on Social Security as well as the disabled and the unemployed?

We never hear anything about a wage cut for the people working in the school system. In 2008, the district sneaked a levy through that runs for 28 years.

Homeowners have to live within their budget. It's time for the Sylvania schools to do the same.

L. Gowin

Barcelona Drive

Memorial Day falls on a Monday, not on Saturday. All celebrations, events, and parades should be held on the day of remembering and honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

They should not be penciled in as side notes so that people can sleep in, eat grilled food, and find the sale on folding lawn furniture at the nearest local retailer.

As a veteran, I am reminded yearly of the lip service people give to our military on somber occasions such as Memorial Day, even at the government level. All events should be held on the day they were meant for.

Tony Esposito

Regina Parkway

I understand that other industrial countries handle health care differently than the United States. But do these countries put health-care companies on their stock exchanges as if they were commodities or tradable entities, as we do here?

Putting health-care providers on the New York Stock Exchange is immoral.

What's next, selling shares in mortuaries? Or is that too already an American reality?

Sid S. Davisson
