Israel's deceit is not fact


Contrary to your June 2 editorial "Blame to go around," the Israeli troops were the assailants when they boarded the flotilla boats.

They committed criminal acts on the high seas that legally could be repelled with deadly force, had the aid workers desired it. The murderous assaults by Israeli soldiers, as the invaders, are serious human rights crimes that deserve prosecution at The Hague.

One might naively have thought that the weapons found on the ships - knives, tools, clubs - are items you would expect to find on any ship. But according to the Israeli lie machine, they were precisely what you would take along if you were planning to defeat the Israeli army.

The Israel Defense Forces fired on the ships before commandos were helicopter-dropped. Why should the activists have expected a peaceful boarding?

The insinuation that the aid activists wanted a confrontation reflects what a British writer has called "reverse slaughter victim confusion syndrome." One real victim was a 19-year old American who was shot dead with four slugs to the head.

Many of the dead and injured were shot in the head. These premeditated, murderous assaults should be condemned as such, which is why there is an international demand for prosecutions.

The press must do better than to accept Israel's hysterical disinformation campaign as fact.

Terry Lodge


Almost every Muslim country is, and has been for decades, dedicated to eradicating and exterminating Israel. Hamas has been designated a terrorist organization.

For nearly 1,300 years, Muslims have hated Jews, and have killed them whenever they could. There are adequate supplies of food and drugs allowed into Gaza. Israel is questioned or castigated whenever it takes steps, military or otherwise, to avoid further attacks.

There is precious little Israel can do towards establishing a "Palestinian" state when Israel's enemies do not want one, unless it includes Israel.

Harry Snyder


I can get on board with the June 1 letter writer who stated that millions of Americans feel betrayed by an administration that shows disregard for our constitutional rights ("Tea Party wants to save America").

I don't remember hearing much about this movement before January, 2009, but I'm certain this dedicated bunch of freedom fighters was on the front lines that whole time, protesting runaway spending, the erosion of personal liberties, and wars based on lies.

I must have missed all the uproar until - what a coincidence - right around the time President Obama took office.

Keith Bergman

Aldringham Road

How can you not be impressed with the dignity and class shown by Detroit Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga, umpire Jim Joyce, and Tigers manager Jim Leyland in their actions and words after the "imperfect game" ("Central alumnus' bad call shows umpire's job isn't black and white," June 4)?

It was refreshing to see these three men react to adversity in such a professional manner. Unlike some celebrities, they did not need media advisers, lawyers, or a script, because they spoke from the heart.

Northwest Ohioans should be proud that the two Jims grew up and went to school in our community. It is unfortunate that Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig did not demonstrate the same class and fortitude and failed to make the right decision to reverse the call.

Michael J. Navarre


Toledo Police Department

Here's the solution to the BP oil spill crisis: For every day this goes on, stuff one BP executve into the pipe. This will work because the executives' heads are thicker than mud or concrete.

James Holland


The members of the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board join their fellow Ohioans in expressing anger over the images in the recent video released about the Conklin Dairy Farm ("Animal cruelty up close," editorial, June 3).

There is no debate that these acts are morally reprehensible. There is no room for this type of activity in Ohio agriculture.

Under Ohio law, local humane societies, prosecutors, and law enforcement officials possess the authority and responsibility to investigate and prosecute incidents of animal cruelty and abuse.

The board commends the determined efforts of the Marysville City Prosecutor's Office and Union County law enforcement officials in their investigation of this matter.

In creating the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board, the legislature was careful not to infringe on the traditional authority of local officials to control and enforce animal cruelty laws. Instead, the legislature granted the board civil authority to establish and enforce standards of care for Ohio's livestock.

Outside the scope of clear abuse, care standards will be created for each species to address such factors as housing, transportation, and access to feed and water.

Through the creation and enforcement of these care standards, the board can work hand in hand with local authorities in the prevention and early detection of livestock abuse.

The board fully agrees that it must carefully balance the need to move forward to create livestock care standards in a timely manner, while it considers the overarching factors of promoting food safety, encouraging local food production, and preventing animal and human diseases.

Only through this public, deliberative process can a set of standards be created to best serve the interests of Ohio's consumers, farmers, and livestock.

Michael Bailey

Executive Director

Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board

Reynoldsburg, Ohio

It was said we would have a better picture and sound with digital television, but that's as long as you receive a strong signal. The problem is that we seldom receive a strong signal on all stations.

It was said the weather would not affect the signal. That is not true. During a recent storm, we received a distorted picture, fluctuations in sound, and sometimes a total blackout.

We can get additional stations, but we lost two of the Detroit stations that we frequently watched. But if you cannot get a consistently strong signal, you can't watch anything on TV.

Sharon Tipping

Ottawa Lake, Mich.

Everyone should be proud of The Blade for promoting and sponsoring the Memorial Day parade in downtown Toledo.

We had a lot of spectators and an awful lot of units in the parade. I do not understand why I heard nothing in advance about the parade from the TV stations in Toledo, and little after the parade.

They gave the out-of-town parades more coverage than Toledo's.

I did march in the parade. As a veteran, I was happy with the reaction of the people when veterans marched by them.

Karl T. Petersen

Eastbrook Drive