‘Gracious' right label for Ashley


It always saddens me when a great warrior dies, and among other things Lud Ashley was a warrior (“Congressman known for aiding housing, civil rights dies at 87,” June 16).

In the 1980 campaign, we debated at least six times. Although an incumbent's strategy would usually be to deny the opponent the public forum of a debate, Lud never failed to accept any challenge.

Of course, he was well informed, and I believe our joint appearances led to a clarification of the issues and opposing viewpoints in an intelligent and civil manner that we don't always see at election time.

Lud Ashley's name is etched in the history of Toledo and Lucas County. For 26 years, he was an important member of the liberal Democratic wing that controlled the House of Representatives. Always a strong advocate of Toledo, he brought millions of dollars to Toledo and the area during his tenure in office.

He was a likable person, with good friends on both sides of the aisle. At the time of his defeat, he was very gracious to me. Two years later, at the time of my defeat, he was equally gracious and considerate.

It is very fitting that the federal courthouse here is now named for Lud Ashley and his great-grandfather James Ashley, the Republican abolitionist congressman during the Civil War.

Ed Weber

North Chanticleer Drive

Shame on our news media and our politicians. On June 8, one of the happiest events in our country took place: Our soldiers from the Ohio National Guard's 1483rd Transportation Company came home after a year in Iraq.

As the buses pulled in to cheers and happy tears, I realized there were no news cameras. It's sad when the news media put our soldiers on the back burner.

God bless U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur, who showed up. Gov. Ted Strickland didn't show up, even though he was 10 minutes away, viewing the tornado damage in Moline. I know that was a tragedy, but he couldn't give 10 minutes to our soldiers? And where was Toledo Mayor Mike Bell?

Linda Carter


Common sense told me that the Cinema De Lux in Maumee would be in jeopardy of closing (“18-screen theater complex to shut by summer's end,” June 11).

The Toledo area cannot support three theater complexes within a six-mile radius and a 10-minute drive. The Maumee cinema will join shuttered movie theaters that are eyesores on Secor Road, on Monroe Street, and in Spring Meadows.

When the Maumee theater opened, it was hard to find a parking spot. People came from all over.

My son, who has a disability, could walk to the Maumee cinema from the home of his friend, who also has a disability. I took groups of young adults with disabilities to the theater for a social night out. They enjoyed the large game room as well as the movies.

I wonder how many other young people, with or without disabilities, will be disappointed.

Mary Hoye


People think nothing about going to Michigan to gamble, so why not go to Wauseon for a movie?

Wauseon has good restaurants. You can go to the Skye Cinema. It's a nice town.

Marilyn Pinkelman


I was one of the activist leaders who at first protested the changes made in the faculty at St. John's Jesuit (“Changes at St. John's Jesuit ignite concern,” June 15).

However, as I was taught, I kept my mind open: I debated with the administration and faculty. I listened to all sides.

I gathered and verified information, and came to the realization that the administration of St. John's will act only in the best interest of students and the continued excellence of the school.

It pains me to hear allegations saying otherwise.

Derek Lyp


Editor's Note: The writer is a 2010 graduate of St. John's Jesuit High School and Academy.

You promise that letters to Readers' Forum will be “edited for accuracy.” You failed to do that to the June 14 letter “St. John's to make teachers part-time.”

Unless the writer has a direct connection to the school, her “facts” are inaccurate. She must represent an affected teacher.

Now that she has rung the bell, the June 15 letter “The truth about St. John's Jesuit” from St. John's President Joaquin Martinez cannot fully unring it.

Paul Kraus


Columnist Jack Kelly should spend a week teaching high school English at one of our nationally ranked schools here in Miami (“Public employees make too much,” op-ed column, June 16).

We'll pay him a salary commensurate with his degrees and experience; somewhere in the mid-$30,000 range.

After teaching five classes a day, doing the requisite paperwork, attending the required meetings, taking a couple of sessions of professional development, attending mandatory after-school events, doing projects to keep the classroom in shape, doing some assistant coaching, then going home and preparing for the next day, he'll be marching with the teachers union to demand that the schools get all the money they need.

It's bad enough that education is underfunded and that teachers have to use their own money to buy classroom supplies. But to have to put up with disrespect and derision from the likes of Mr. Kelly and the crowd that thinks teachers have it easy is disgusting.

Philip M. Williams

Budget AnalystMiami-Dade County Public Schools

Miami, Fla.

In response to the June 17 Readers' Forum letter “Hitler believed in Christianity,” the reference book he quotes states that Adolf Hitler did not believe in any organized religion and that he was not a Christian in any accepted meaning of that word.

It also states that he viewed Christianity as a corrupting force in the ancient world, because Christians taught that the weak and people Hitler regarded as genetically inferior should be supported.

Hitler believed that to produce a superior race, those whom he considered weak or genetically inferior should be removed from the gene pool. This was a major goal of the Nazi party.

Jerry Bergman

Archbold, Ohio

I agree with the June 17 Readers' Forum letter “Nothing easy about parenting.” If parents would understand that they are parents, many children would not run around.

I am a parent of two daughters. One recently graduated from high school, and the other is still in school. I didn't try to be their best friend or attempt to compromise on anything. They knew what I said is what would happen, period.

I know my girls didn't like me being so strict, but if I wasn't, they would be on the streets, running around and causing trouble. Instead, my oldest is in college, staying home and studying, and has not been arrested.

I picked up these traits from my parents, who were strict and did not compromise. What they said was law. Carry it forward.

Anthony J. Muniz

Huntington, W.Va.