Mall rally was not political


Contrary to your Sept. 1 editorial “Rally on the Mall,” the event was not a Tea Party function. It was not for civil rights. It was not political. The theme was “Restoring Honor” and the message was to return to God, no matter what your religion. Money raised from the rally went to college expenses for children of deceased Special Forces warriors.

I was proud of Glenn Beck and the message he presented. And I was proud of the people who attended the rally. There were no signs, no squabbles, just Americans who wish the best for the future of our country.

Doris Grajczyk

Reading, Mich.

Gun dealers follow rules

Your Aug. 28 editorial“‘Gray market' guns” stated that “occasional dealers” aren't required to do a background check. That is false. The purpose of the license is to legally purchase and sell modern firearms other than ordinance and other destructive devices.

Wherever the sale takes place, whether it is at a gun show or at your house, the dealer is required to follow all federal laws.

This includes a national instant check by calling the National Instant Criminal Background Check System center and verifying the person desiring to purchase the firearm passes muster. The purchase is recorded on a form and placed in a bound book of sales.

The dealer who omits this step is in violation of federal law. All the dealers I know carefully follow all the rules so as not to end up in the “graybar hotel.”

To say, as you did, that the rabidly anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg conducted his own investigation is a red herring. He could never acknowledge that criminals are at fault, and not the dealers.

Kent Snyder

Westbrook Drive

Gratitude for backing gay pride

Thank you, Toledo, for supporting Toledo Pride 2010 (“Gay Pride Day draws hundreds to walk, march, donate funds,” Aug. 29). Some 1,600 attendees came to celebrate the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community.

We thank Toledo Mayor Mike Bell, City Council, and the Lucas County Board of Commissioners for their proclamations of support. We thank the 30 nonprofit organizations at our resource carnival.

Most important, we thank the community, friends, and families who were present for the celebration.

Sherry Tripepi

Executive Director


Barrington Drive

Don't blame food industry

The Aug. 31 Readers' Forum letter “High-fat food is cheaper” blamed the food industry for the size of one's waistline and overall health.

The food industry does not control the amount of exercise an individual chooses to participate in on a regular basis. If a person chooses to eat foods that sell for 99 cents, he or she can choose to set health goals and develop a plan to achieve or maintain health.

The blame belongs on the individual who continuously ingests unhealthy food and has no desire to develop and live a healthy lifestyle.

Linda Marchal Shaw


Kaczala is notthe right change

Gina-Marie Kaczala, the Republican candidate for Lucas County auditor, has accused Auditor Anita Lopez of cronyism (“Kaczala begins drive,” Sept. 2). But apparently Mrs. Kaczala believes in cashing in on her late husband's name.

She cannot manage her personal finances, but she wants to handle the county's? Sometimes voting isn't just a privilege; it's a pleasure.

Ann Morris

Bronson Avenue

Edison: Investin meter readers

Our local Edison company is a shell game player.

We received our August electric bill and it was for twice the normal charges. We contacted the customer service department and were told that we receive only an estimated charge each month.

There's one small glitch: Edison is required to read your meter only twice a year. That means for 10 months out of the year, they can guess your monthly usage. When they finally read your meter, they bill you for the difference.

In my case, it was $400. We are on the monthly plan, which is deducted electronically from our checking account. What if our account does not have sufficient funds and the check bounces? You incur the fees and your credit ends up in the dumper.

How much does Edison save by not having meter readers? Automation may be a great idea, but real people doing the job may have better value.

Jim Intagliata


Risks too high to vote for Iott

You would have to be obtuse to vote for Rich Iott, the Republican candidate in the 9th Congressional District. Based on his track record, if he is elected, expect to lose your job, pension, and any other benefits you might have earned.

My vote goes to Rep. Marcy Kaptur, as should everyone else's, to keep Mr. Iott out of politics.

Gerry Zonner


Kaptur listened, but did not hear

I recently received an e-mail from Rep. Marcy Kaptur in response to my request for her to vote no on the health-care bill. She stated: “I have listened closely to the concerns of citizens in our district. There is passion on both sides. Some claim this legislation is unconstitutional; I respectfully disagree.”

If Ms. Kaptur had “listened closely,” she would have realized that more people than not are against the health-care reform bill that she voted to shove down our throats.

We need a fiscal conservative as our representative in Washington, not a representative who brings back large-sized checks for photo-ops.

We need a representative who will listen to his constituents, hold community dialog in the district, and work with us and for us to get our country back on the right track with common-sense decisions.

The 9th District deserves better than what we've had for the past 25-plus years. We have a great opportunity to elect quality representation to Congress this November. I will vote for change. Rich Iott has my vote.

Muriel Brazeau

Oakcrest Road

Animals are not to live like this

Food has been raised for thousands of years in what would be considered unsanitary systems. For the past 20-some years, I have put rabbit, goat, chicken, and cow manure in my garden. No one has been poisoned.

Animals should be outdoors to roam and forage. The genetically modified feed they eat doesn't help.

The benefits of organic pastured poultry and beef products are available to anyone who is interested. Every one of us has a choice every time we shop. Despite the cost, we cannot afford not to eat organic.

I am appalled to live in a society that has to be monitored to do what is right.

JoAnne VanSparrentak

Grand Rapids, Ohio

‘Fiscal conservative' a GOP oxymoron

That was a pretty snappy-looking bus The Blade showed a photo of on the front page of the second section on Sept. 1 (“Sign of fiscal discontent”). I was curious. How much did that bus cost those fiscally conservative Republicans, anyway?

Jim Williams

Collingwood Boulevard