Focus on substance, not style


On Sept. 27, the public will get a close look at the two candidates for the 9th Congressional District seat (“Kaptur, Iott revved up for war of words” Sept. 14).

It appears that Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur has her first real challenge for her House seat in 28 years. Republican businessman Rich Iott, on the wave of the conservative storm that has hit the country, will try to replace the incumbent.

In their TV ads, each candidate makes a mistake by attacking the other. Miss Kaptur is not a bad person for voting for earmarks. That's how business is done in Washington: You vote for my project and I'll vote for your project.

Mr. Iott is not a bad person for selling his business. That's how the business world works: If you have a chance to make a profit, you sell.

The winner of the debate will focus on substance, not personalities. The debate winner will present a finely tuned, easy-to-understand, picture of the future of northwest Ohio.

The people of this region need hope, a concrete plan, and an energetic leader.

George W. Weidner

Barrows Street

When a company contributes to an elected official's campaign and receives millions of dollars in federal research funds, isn't that a form of payback (“Make fixes on Iott Web site,” Readers' Forum. Sept. 12)?

Whether the contributions were received before or after the funds were awarded, it appears they facilitated the funding. What is the likelihood a company will receive such funds if it doesn't make campaign contributions? Whether Rich Iott corrects his Web site about contribution and earmark amounts, the underlying theme is scandalous.

I'm not against federal funds coming to our area, but we need transparency. I'd like to see a list of all campaign contributions and a corresponding list of federal funding. That would be the real picture.

Alexander H. Due


Rich Iott's campaign ads that criticize Rep. Marcy Kaptur about earmarks depend on voters not understanding what earmarks are.

Earmarks are funds assigned to certain projects that are attached to a congressional spending bill. The money is already budgeted to be spent, but what's left to be decided is where the money will go.

Some of this money is your tax dollars. Would you prefer your congressman to steer your hard-earned money toward local and regional projects, or would you rather see it benefit people in another state? Wouldn't you want your representative to direct your federal taxes back into your community?

I'm sure that Mr. Iott would do the same thing if he were elected.

Tony Geis

Brott Road

Midterm elections are rapidly approaching. I hope they will bring change for the good of the American people. Republicans had eight years of control with terrible results. Democrats have been in charge for less than two years, with everyone expecting miracles.

Everyone is looking for someone to blame. No politician, Republican or Democrat, offers solutions that will create jobs, save the housing market, and solve our problems. We need term limits in Congress as we have with the president.

As we age, our thinking becomes slower and our reflexes are worse. The same holds true for members of Congress. How many of them are seniors who should be retired?

Congressmen don't listen to the people they were elected to represent. They work for themselves and their interests, not ours.

It is time to clean house — and the Senate. Send them all to the unemployment line and start with a clean slate.

Carole Duke


Many people express opinions on Lucas County Dog Warden Julie Lyle (“Hundreds of dogs still dying at county pound,” Sept. 5). Meanwhile, an important issue is overlooked: Spaying and neutering are part of responsible pet ownership.

There are many low-cost clinics and services in the area, such as Humane Ohio and “spay days” at some veterinary clinics. With a lower pet population, there will be fewer dogs and cats that need homes or have to be euthanized.

Educating and informing people is the only way we are ever going to solve the pet overpopulation problem.

Aimee Szabo

Sylvania Township

Your Sept. 6 editorial “Choice challenged” referred to those who believe that abortion is murder. I am one of them.

You support a woman's right to choose to terminate a pregnancy, but that doesn't complete the statement. You won't say that you believe in our right to choose to terminate a pregnancy by ending a life not our own.

Another who shares the opinion that abortion is murder is Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who helped found the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws in the 1960s. Since then, he has become pro-life and a Christian.

In a Dec. 20, 2002, article on the WorldNetDaily Web site, he revealed how his organization fabricated facts: “We persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal, enlightened, sophisticated one. Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls.”

He also said figures about illegal abortions were exaggerated. “The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200-250 annually,” he said. “The figure we constantly fed to the media was 10,000. These false figures took root in the consciousness of Americans.”

Perhaps you could win another Pulitzer Prize for investigating this issue.

David L. Shadle


I was born across the street from the former Alan Theatre on Stickney Avenue. I went to many movies there.

In August, I was asked to visit the building, where I met a nice Christian lady who gave me a great tour.

The Word of Faith Ministries owns the building. It has a lot of ideas about how to use the building, including showing movies again.

Word of Faith is going to help people from my old neighborhood. I hope I can help.

Richard Buchholz


Ben Marsh should step down from the Lucas County Board of Elections (“Elections board member asked to quit,” Sept. 4).

As a member of the Lucas County Republican Party Executive Committee, I appreciate his service and respect that he was appointed. But now that we have unified the party, we want to move forward with someone chosen by us, not appointed by a Democrat.

We know that what's best for the party is his goal, as it is ours.

Brandon Bauman


Blade Editor David Kushma criticized Toledo Public Schools union workers for not taking large pay and benefit cuts (“Willingly or not, TPS will change,” op-ed column, Aug. 29).

Now the Oregon and Springfield Local school districts are strapped for cash and asking voters to pass levies. Where are the demands that teachers and other employees in these school systems take cuts?

Is there a double standard at The Blade that favors the suburbs over the city?

Milt Hubartt

Airport Highway