Please, just answer the questions


I tried to watch the Oct. 4 debate between U.S. Senate candidates Lee Fisher and Rob Portman (“Jabs fly in Toledo debate for Senate,” Oct. 5). It was sad. These two show why government is such a joke.

I changed the channel just to keep my sanity. Is it so hard for people just to give facts about how they will help the average person? I'm tired of this nonstop blame game.

Neither one of them should get the job. There should be rules to make them tell us how they can make things better.

Tracy Yeager

Harvest Lane

The Republicans keep blaming the Democrats for the financial mess Ohio faces. Until Gov. Ted Strickland took office, Republicans ran the state. They are to blame for this fiscal mess. It will take more than four years to undo 16 years of GOP rule.

I also want to know whether state Auditor Mary Taylor, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, found ways to save money, and why she waited until close to the election to say so. Is she saying she did not do her job until she could run for lieutenant governor?

The GOP must present a better case to get my vote. Republicans believed outsourcing was the way to go. They never cared if it took jobs from hard-working people.

Josie McConnell

Sunset Boulevard

It is unbelievable that Republican gubernatorial candidate John Kasich paid an actor to portray an unemployed factory worker in his phony political advertisement (“Democrats in Ohio rip Kasich ad: Speaker in spot is actor, not blue-collar worker,” Oct. 7).

Couldn't he find one worker willing to endorse him? If he had to pay to get an endorsement, he at least could have paid one of the thousands of unemployed workers he pretends to care so much about to do his sneaky fibbing.

Perhaps because of his elite status, he doesn't associate with the working class. Or maybe the working class knows it would not be in its best interest to endorse him.

Gina Hall

South Glastonberry Road

Your article focuses on a self-righteous Ohio Democratic Party accusation that a man appearing in one of John Kasich's TV ads was a paid actor, not an actual blue-color worker.

Intentionally buried inside the Second News section in the same edition was a small article, “Sales of homes in area decline for 3rd month,” citing figures for the continuing dramatic decline in real property values in a 10-county area, including Toledo.

This downward slide has been going on for quite some time. Shouldn't placement of these news items have been reversed, with regard to relative importance to readers?

For months, you have been promoting claimed signs of economic recovery, wonderful social and economic accomplishments during the Obama era, and contentions that the future will be better if voters keep entrenched Democrats such as Marcy Kaptur in office and permit her party to stay its present course.

People in Toledo, especially union members, should begin to read The Blade more closely and interpret it intelligently before they go to the polls next month.

Phil Liechty


Those distorters of Marcy Kaptur's record, who claim her support of the stimulus bill did nothing to create or save jobs, should have read the Oct. 5 article “GM distributes $1.3M in stock to 2 CEOs.”

Two General Motors employees actually received benefits: Daniel Akerson will receive a pay package of $9 million, and Ed Whitacre will receive $6.4 million.

Damian Walczak


I was recently included with several World War II veterans on an honor flight to our nation's capital. Because of several thousand peaceful demonstrators from the United Auto Workers and other organizations, we were not able to get to some sites.

However, our tour director made up for it by taking us to the Air Force Memorial and the change of the guard at Arlington Cemetery.

I hope those who organize peaceful demonstrations instill in their followers the knowledge that veterans make their demonstrations possible.

George Williams


I wonder why everyone thinks Obamacare will raise health-care costs so much. We need health-care reform because the cost of care under former President George W. Bush went up fast.

Since 2001, I have paid for my own health insurance. In 2002, my premiums were $251.58 each month, with no deductible. By 2007, my health-insurance premiums reached $676.96 every month, with a $2,000 deductible. By 2010, my premiums climbed to $781.54 every month, with a $5,000 deductible.

This took effect before President Obama's health-care reform bill became effective. I can't get insurance elsewhere because of pre-existing conditions.

Dan Baker


In the last few weeks, I have called several companies that I do business with.

The first one was a bank that I called for account information. Next, I called a computer company for technical assistance. The last business I contacted was a national car rental agency. Each one of the calls was handled by a person outside the United States.

Maybe we don't need a trillion-dollar stimulus package, but rather the companies that we do business with to support us by hiring in the United States.

Dana Frank

Carrietowne Lane

The Toledo Board of Education's request for an additional pay cut for teachers is outrageous.

Teachers put in more hours after leaving the classroom, making lesson plans, grading papers, and completing grade cards. As a result of cuts already made, teachers have larger classes.

The school board needs to look elsewhere to make cuts. Many teachers purchase classroom supplies with their own money because many parents can't afford them. The community needs to support teachers, schools, and students.

Some think the problem is mismanagement. We must also remember that more homes are in foreclosure, which means schools are not getting as much tax money.

Julie M. Garrett

Torrington Drive

Faisal Shahzad is a failed terrorist with a life sentence (“Unrepentant bomber warns of more violence,” Oct. 6).

Because he told a federal judge that he obtained American citizenship under false pretenses, it should be revoked.

Joanne Tollison

Petersburg, Mich.